Bronchial and Immune Support 12-2011

Bronchial and Immune Support

This information was received by Celest and David from a conversation with Dr. Shamaan Eagle. Shamaan is a naturopath and is the receiver of the "New Light Messages" posted here on our website.

Shamaan recommends everyone do a Hot Steam – do this Bi-monthly

Use "Natural Eucalyptus" and "Rosemary Oil." Natural Camphor would be preferable to Rosemary, it comes in "crystals." Put hot water in a bowl, add tinctures and place towel over head and breathe deeply.

Anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant

Thyme Tea and Hysoot Tea (available at Mix in equal proportions and add something for flavoring if need be… drink hot

CQ10 – better to use "Ubiquinol" – it is the active ingredient of CQ10, this has been removed from the body and the body needs it..

Beta-carotene – strengthens the immune system

The best product according to her to use is "Aloe Immune" originally created by Dr Siegel. (This is a Pyramid type product, search internet for best price, here is the main website

Aloe Vera has a healing capacity over antibiotics; "Aloe Immune" is a combination of Aloe Vera and Yam. The p-cells produced by the adrenal glands are amplified by the 2 legged support for the system from these two ingredients.

The Four Ingredients for immune,

bronchial and respiratory health:


Astragalus Leaf, has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years.

Elderberry (extract) "Sambucus" a vegetable glycerin solution. Mix with warm water and take a ‘shot’ twice a day.

Olive Leaf – strong antiviral properties. Do not take in extract form for it tastes horrible, take in pill form and have a glass of water to wash it down immediately after putting into the mouth.


Thyme and Rosemary, (available in the spice section at the grocery stores) use leaves to make a Tea, to keep respiratory system strong. Expels mucus so you can breathe. Mix 1 ½ tsp each in a tea ball. In 2 ½ cups of boiling water, boil 2 minutes, simmer 15 minutes using covered lid. USE leaves, not the ground powder. We, Celest and David, have used this many times in the past, it works and it tastes good.

Horehound – works well but you do need more support as well.

"Yerba Santa" – Translated means "The Sacred Herb." For ‘bronchitis.’ Keep this around.. Powerful expellant, antivolosulant. Mix with brandy and you will go to sleep.

"Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup" available at ‘Planetary Herbals’ – Michael Tiera created this.

Cancer… if you are estrogenic then do not use Liquorish root.

Take Olive Leaf and Oregano together to keep the mucus down.

Red Wine, active ingredient is Resveratrol, for maintaining a healthy heart.. it is available in capsule form.



