Here are some of the “Comments” we have received from readers of all four of our websites.
Thank you and please, keep in touch!!
Updated 11-10-12
If you wish to share a comment please email them to us at
The above transmission has been the most powerful energy I have ever felt, it feels like it is deep healing whereby my system is being cleared of all that it no longer needs. The depth of this transmission is beyond me and my words I use today to express my transformation, I feel lighter, brighter and more able to live this life with the right priorities in mind. I now longer feel the burden of the yesterdays gone and the anxiety of the tomorrows to come. I feel new, new born, like a child with enthusiasm for everything in life. Each step I take I am free. I want you all to be free like me and feel the love, the love that resides within us and is then reflected back a thousand fold. My life has changed) Be well and in Caroline’s fertile hands you shall grow! Love and light x Tony
Hello David and Celestial! This article rings truth to my spirit. (Family Curse) I am grateful for the parents that I had. They allows us to be free in our thinking towards others, (accepting) and free in our spirituality. Their teachings are spread out to my entire family members and we are continually learning. Some accept it, and some don’t. Glad to find out that we are not cursed-lol
I know! IT’s amazing to finally see that the Christ Consciousness (star child as I like to call it) has manifested itself through the faithful. In fact, at age 20 I heard a choir as if of children sing “Christ has come”, signifying the transition in awareness. Since I have struggled to keep the balance, and have been guided away from the turmoil that the cultural collective have placed over-top their own worth and intuitions. I can only be joyous as I observe the truths laid plain in this document. I know the consciousness arises from inside human beings, and that to find ourselves and to observe the divine in the world and the living is enlightenment. I have had a successful healing (of myself) and communion with the dead, but only sparingly. I fear I may need further encouragement from within to funnel out the blockages. Thank you for this message, it has proven true through and through! Jason (Referring to Sananada’s “To those who will listen, I Am Sananda”)
Living the truth in your heart without compromise brings kindness and enlightenment to others around us…thereby uplifting all humanity. Thank you for “living your truth!” Ana
This is also, wonderfully, a lesson on Forgiveness as well. At times, in this human existence, we have recognized that we have erred and missed such magical lessons. We may blame and badger ourselves for doing so. However, we must forgive ourselves and then pay forgiveness forward by recognizing when others are not being patient with us, noting that their minds may be full or their hearts heavy and are blinded by the simple blessings that are around them. May we all learn peace. (referring to “A Sweet lesson on Patience”)
Hello! Thank you for all your work you’re encouraging. Waking up is happening very quickly these days. Angels have come to me through the Sacred Veil to share with the people of the world, They Are Here. Vocally! I’d be happy to link back if you want to start an Angel category I have amazing videos! All my love ~ Mia^j^ Angels Abound
Hello Beautiful Friends!
This morning, I woke up as I often do… with a smile for God and Terra, a “Good Morning and a Thank you”. From the moment I open my eyes, I feel lucky to be here. And it’s the first thing I like to tell them. Then, I ground and clear, and release any energies that I may have picked up along the way that don’t serve my highest good and so forth… it’s a process. But it’s my routine. Today however, as I opened my eyes to say good morning to both of my loves… as the words passed over my lips to say how grateful I was to be here, this… realization washed over me.
I’m rambling as I often do. I apologize. Let me get to the point.
Yesterday, ——– forwarded me the email she sent you both, asking what a Star Seed was. She had also asked me, and I said that though I’d heard it referred to by both Matthew, and in your (God’s) books, that I don’t think I knew. Then I read your email response and things made more sense now.
Sadly though, I did what I often do… I looked at the descriptions to see if there was a “Least of them”. If there was one that was less than the others, not as good, and if I was any of them, then that that must be what I am. Truthfully, it didn’t even occur to me that I was doing it. It’s such a habit of this personage, that I did it reflexively.
When —— came home last night, she asked if I’d gotten the email she forwarded, and I said I did, and she read it out loud to me again. We both knew that we could be any one of those descriptions, but had no idea which it would be. Now to my point… (sorry, I’ll work on the rambling thing) lol!
Upon waking this morning, and feeling the tremendous love that I always feel for Terra. It occurred to me, that I may in fact, be an Earth Seed. I was overcome with joy and emotion at the very idea of it! You see, for so long now, ever since I discovered that there were Star Keepers, I hoped that I would discover that I was a Walk In or a Born In and that I would find out where I was from – and suddenly my “aloneness” would make sense to me. Suddenly and instantly upon knowing, I would finally feel worthy! I would somehow believe I was special and good.
Finally… I mean, after all… were it not for Star Keepers, Terra would not have made it right? Humankind would be no longer, correct? We could not breath or drink water…. it was their love and commitment to this planet and the good of all, that has helped us all survive! They are SUPERMAN!! They are HERO’S!! They are Love and Kindness and Wisdom! I just have to be one of them to really be okay don’t I? I can’t be just human. Humans aren’t hero’s!! We’ve been fools. Stooges. Lazy and shameful. Utterly and completely unconscious!! I just CAN’T be an Earth Seed!! WOW! I can’t believe I’ve been carrying that for so long! How sad.
Today however, I am not the soul you just read about in the above description. I have learned that what was true a minute ago may not be true NOW. And this is a perfect example of that. Today, I could not be more honored than to discover that I was an Earth Seed. Oh how I love Terra!! How I love ALL! It finally occurred to me… it doesn’t matter where I’m from. There is no PLACE that makes me good enough. I was created in Love. In Light. In Perfection. I was good enough from my inception! I have been a fool, a stooge. I’ve been lazy and shameful and CLEARLY, utterly and completely unconscious! All too many times… including this lifetime! It’s not where I’m from, or what I look like, or who I help or save that defines me. It’s my choices. Our choices are what define us. I choose Light. I choose Love. I could not be more delighted with how far I’ve come and who I am as being in this moment. Because whomever my “first family” is… where ever I’m from, I was created in Light and Love and have chosen to return to it. To live it in every moment of my existence. No matter what my form! I AM AMAZING!! Ha ha haaa!!! I love me. I really really LOVE ME!! Ba ha ha haaaaaa! I’m cracking up here!
So, I wanted to let you both know… that something you said, changed my thinking YET AGAIN. And thereby, changed me for the better! If there is ever a doubt that the work and the sacrifices you have made to be here have not been worth it. Please know that the gifts you have given me, let alone others, are immeasurable!
Thank you and I love you both!
Gods —– Self
(Note from Celest and David, we shared this because this beautiful Soul has continued to evolve. She is a credit to her Soul-Self. Kudos to you Gods —- Self. Her name has been removed for privacy reasons.)
I’ve read each of God’s books and learned a lot from them. Prior to these I read the books by Matthew and Suzy Ward, and then three books by Blue Star the Pleiadian. An idea crossed my mined. So little time left before the Ascension, and so many of Earthizens have no idea who we are, why we are here, where we are moving. It must be scary. If only most of us knew the answers to these questions we would have ascended long ago. Each of the books of God have codes. The minute you start reading them you resonate with the truth, and your vibrations rise. Isn’t that what we need? That’s waking up. That’s enlightenment. And that’s a true way of helping people. Let’s speak about these books as much as we can. People have to know. The more of us know the truth the easier and faster the Ascension will happen. With love to each of you, Diane
Blue Star Speaks Comments
Hi. I just read “Life by Natural Causes” (Bluestarspeaks website) and had to thank you for that, which sounded just the right note that reverberated all through my being, making me feel comfortable in my body, a state which has been rather rare of late, and so is very much appreciated.
Though I know you guys are very busy, please keep those messages coming. They really help keep me sane (relatively, anyway… LOL) Namaste, Natalie
Deeply resonated with this message. With infinite gratitude and love, Caroline (The Masters -The Denial and the Trees) (Bluestarspeaks website)
……….Telling it like it is, I like that! Looks like we need to get “busy!” (The Masters -The Denial and the Trees) (Bluestarspeaks website)
As always I feel both blessed and somewhat “awed” to be gifted with your knowledge. I am one of those incessant beings who continually question authority and religion. Thank you for the peace that came with this message. In the past few months I have certainly learned the power of being and with that comes the power to begin to think that the room is empty. I am gracious in the gifts I have in my little family; my husband and son stand tall with me in this big empty room. We are human; so yes change will be crazy and unpredictable. I say it is finally time. Finally the “leaders” are getting some of this uncertainty they love to prey upon us. It is time for the awakened to shake them away. We are so very happy and grateful that our brothers and sisters of the Andromedan Council and the other beings that are here to assist us. We beg forgiveness for our human race; our Mother NEVER deserved this treatment. We have been sorely abused and misguided. BUT as I always have said “All humans have been raped, enslaved and mistreated to a horrible degree; whether in this life or in the past. That does not give any excuse to adults who must choose to walk a whiter (truth & love) path.” Peace & Love, Shelly Perez (The Masters -The Denial and the Trees) (Bluestarspeaks website)
I listened to part of your interview this evening with Rebecca Jernigan, until we lost our Internet due to a storm here in Georgia. Rebecca is a personal friend of mine and I love and respect her immensely. I am so honored to be able to read your many pages of information. Thank you for your words of encouragement and information. The small amount I was able to read tonight before my eyes started crossing has helped to give me insight into many things that I was questioning. Bless you for your efforts and hard work. Thank you. Donna
As I read this it was like Master Kato was reading my mind, when “what I thought” was the next sentence. Especially the Hilliary sentence Barry, (The Masters -The Denial and the Trees) (Bluestarspeaks website)
Ahhh thank you so much .. so much feeling in this writing… Teresa (Blue Star – Why they believe as they do)
Thank you for your words of warmth and wisdom – at times stern, but truthful. Of what you speak my heart knows on the deepest of levels. My heart dances in the light of truth…How refreshing! in an ocean of degradation, deception & delusion. Shake, shake, shake it like a sea salt shaker. Loving you cause you’re so beautiful. ()The Masters – The Denial and the Trees) (Bluestarspeaks website)
I am a walk-in from 1982. The time since then has been an adventure. I was sent an email about walk-ins and found it interesting. Thanks for sharing with us. I am trying to figure out how to subscribe. Namaste Jonathan
Hi, I was guided to your site today and am not sure what to do with this connection other than to say thank you for expressing your heart and for being such a beautiful Divine Light. Can feel the battle around me so much stronger now as of the 29th of June. Staying in the Light, but can feel the confusion around me too as a Blue Ray and Empath. Brings me great strength to feel your Light. Thank you! Much Love and Light, Carolyn
Hi Celest and David: I had the opportunity to listen to you on starseed with Lavandar. I loved the show. One of the ladies, (forgot who it was) said you and David sound like one individual when talking. I had to laugh because when I first spoke w/you I felt the same way. Also FYI, I got the newest book, Journey. Thank you both for everything that I’ve learned through your works and gods’, or gods’ and your works-lol Love and Light-Carla
thankyou thankyou thankyou! my prayers have been answered at last – Regina (Blue Star – Inspirations and Revelations of the Golden Now) (Bluestarspeaks website)
Hi There Walk-ins from the Light David and Celest, in the end of the message when Master Kato says for us to keep saying to ourselves “isn’t evolution wonderful” and in NO TIME we will understand, I really hope that this “NO TIME” is about the final dissipation of it, and I really hope it doesn’t take too long man… right? Ride on guys .. Samuel in Brazil
David and Celest, Thank you so much for the book (The God Book) and I have been reading it. I so appreciate that you have dedicated your lives to such remarkable work. Lavandar
This is so well put. Thank you. Thank You so much for all this confirmation Catherine (Blue Star – And the Winner IS!!”)
Wonderful inspiration education .. Namaste Stewart Benson (Blue Star – “The Fear Factor”)
Celest, I have read this chronicle many times because I can relate to it/you. There are similarities, such as moving around alot, people not understanding you,(family and others), appearing to them as being different, because of what I read and believe . But on the other side of it, I think that I am truly loved by most of the ones I care about. It’s lonely at the top, or bottom, or where ever I am. Lol Carla (Celestial Chronicles – “If My Friends could See Me Now”)
Thank you, Masters, David and Celestial. Reading so much Truth honestly makes my eyes water. Indeed, it IS rather refreshing.
The comment you have written about the appropriate fashion in which to regard “the unexpected” did have some effect upon me. Indeed, so much so that I was thinking I would like to make myself a t-shirt with the phrase printed on the back, or possibly the front.
Yes, I do believe this should indeed serve quite well as “appropriate fashion.”
Thanks for the heads up guys, you are doing a stalwart job. No, I didn’t say stop now! I’m only just getting warmed up, keep the flow of Truth coming please. We ARE ready and capable of more than you think!
Will, England (The Masters – Message #3) (Bluestarspeaks website)
Thank you Blue Star, find your column inspirational educational and quietly healing. Namaste ..Stewart Benson
Hey I must say that I love your reading and it goes to the heart indeed. I can sense the changes in people and myself, it’s hard sometimes but one must keep their spirits up, I try and I will. I have read yours and Matthew some time now, and I love to read it, I think Blue Star is more to the point though,
I work with children and it is a blessing, they live more in the NOW and they do heal my inner child. It’s more harder to work with “adults sometimes, I’m not saying I’m much easier. I see changes in peoples body’s now, red dots, some dry skin, and the need to drink more water.
Keep up the good work, much love from a Norwegian guy Victor (Blue Star – The Waxing and Waning of the Former Linear)
Dear David and Celest, your website is great. Thank you so much for being who you are and do what you do. With so much love and light. Frank
Amazing! Keep the alien and ufo type of post a coming. Can’t wait for your next one. Thanks for the post, aliens and UFOs are real! I’ve seen proof. Thanks for getting some of the true ufo, alien, and 2012 Mayan information out there. Warren Hing (referring to “The Slippery Slope of Disclosure – Blue Star the Pleiadian) (Bluestarspeaks website)
A heartfelt thank you, with immense gratitude for all that you ALL are doing. I AM beside myself with joy at having been divinely directed (I’m sure) to these writings. A gain my sincere gratitude. You have refreshed the Spirit, and given greater focus and direction. Arhlene
This message is astonishing. I really don’t know who I am or how can I be “classify”: good or bad boy. From 12 years I am trying to do my best to evolve (spiritually), to change myself, but I really don’t know if I am on the good path. All this years were years of understanding and now I see the world with different eyes than 12-13 years ago. Your web site is one of strongest support in my hidden life but the life on Earth seems to be upsetting. Every message of your site is like a piece of puzzle but I think I can’t see all the tapestry even if I try very hard. Maybe the impact of events on my own is very hard because of the economic and politic situation of my country: Romania. It seems the most evil beings became embodied in governmental personalities. At the same time the most part of the nation has no spiration/concern of change. For me is upsetting. I see no issue. Adriene (referring to “2012 – The Year of Division and Conquer” – The Masters)
Hi! I’ve been following your web site for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Houston Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the excellent work! Vickey
Hello dear friend, fellow brother/sister Arcturian. I am Arcun, member of the Brotherhood of All. Like you, I was asked take a life on Earth to help the Energetic fields first hand. To look into them, and try and change them completely for preparations of a cleaner and pleasing transition. Glad to always know I am not alone on this mission. Back on Arcturus, I am one of the main keepers of Knowledge and Mental healing. I live on the 9th dimensional energy form though. Love and Light to you friend, life on a world like this is quite the experience, and should be taken to the soul. Remembered forever… Arcun – Brotherhood of the All
Sacred Spirit is dedicated to helping you ReConnect to your True Self & your Destiny. Assistance is available on a Physical, Mental, Emotional, Energetic & Spiritual level as we shift through these changing times into The Age of Light. Mostafa
Love the happiness section!! Every one should actually live by this. The world would be far more pleasant if everyone actually took this advise. I truly love reading your site every morning. Keep it up!! Karen (referring to – The Silent Majority – Arcturian Perspectives)
I would be exceedingly disappointed if an idea as primitive as currency/capitalism continued to exist in the higher realms. Have you considered that your consciousness may be merged with others? Or the possibility of the All returning to the state of the One? The microscopic with its makeup of many, meets the macroscopic makeup of one being. The question of morality, I assume, will most likely disappear. Ann
We need a lot more insights like this! Rigiatu (Referring to “The Present to 2012 and Beyond)
Amazing! Keep the alien and ufo type of post a coming. Can’t wait for your next one. Thanks for the post, aliens and UFOs are real! I’ve seen proof. Thanks for getting some of the true ufo, alien, and 2012 Mayan information out there. Warren Hing (referring to “The Slippery Slope of Disclosure – Blue Star the Pleiadian) (Bluestarspeaks website)
As always, these stern yet heartfelt words/reprimands came to me exactly when I needed them. I am most grateful that I happened upon Arcturian perspectives/ Awakened hearts several years ago.
This is an impetus to say enough with the pity-party, let us do what we have trained and are in training to do for the Greater Good.
I fell down and got lots of boo-boo’s after many years of the “eyes, heart, mind and Soul wide open”… and since I’m not dead, I must be stronger. As a matter of fact I just reached out for help to get me back to where I once belonged this very morning – 5/28/2012
Thank you with my whole heart for all the precious info and guidance you and Blue Star provide. LoveLight Blessings – Laurie (referring to “What is it Worth – Arcturian Perspectives)
OMG – sorry God – I laughed so hard I was crying – really? really? who comes up with these You Tube ideas for videos? It is so ludicrous it is laughable – Well there has been so much sadness it felt good to laugh – thank you for recommending – sending Celest and David love and light as always. Diana-Elaine
I am overjoyed that all this is finally happening (Lol) I’m actually rather a bit too excited I think. Being unemployed right meow I would really love to dedicate my time and services to The Cause. I’m having difficulties understanding where to go being from a slightly closed minded part of Northern Minnesota (Lol). Any-who Thanks for all your hard work! I Love you Ladies and Gentled Men!! Jerod
I love this site! Thank you so much for all the work you do. Jonathan
I loved the Code! (Book 4 of the God Book Series) I was amazed you started it on my birthday. When I read certain sections, my third eye would just start opening up, like I was almost light headed. Africa was insightful and I have feverishly added that to my meditations and nonetheless too soon, with all the unrest now publicized. Celest and David, you are in my prayers constantly and I send you love and light always for your Earth Star walk! God Bless! Diana-Elaine
This message is astonishing. I really don’t know who I am or how can I be “classify”: good or bad boy. From 12 years I am trying to do my best to evolve (spiritually), to change myself, but I really don’t know if I am on the good path. All this years were years of understanding and now I see the world with different eyes than 12-13 years ago. Your web site is one of strongest support in my hidden life but the life on Earth seems to be upsetting. Every message of your site is like a piece of puzzle but I think I can’t see all the tapestry even if I try very hard. Maybe the impact of events on my own is very hard because of the economic and politic situation of my country: Romania. It seems the most evil beings became embodied in governmental personalities. At the same time the most part of the nation has no spiration/concern of change. For me is upsetting. I see no issue. Adriene (referring to “2012 – The Year of Division and Conquer” – The Masters)
Maybe it’s all subjective, each person a vessel that interprets things according to their history and experiences. My own impressions of “watchers” or maybe it’s just one “watcher” is that they’re fascinated by the human experience. The things they marvel at have nothing to do with judging or criticizing humans. They know our history well. My intuition is that they’ve contacted or set up many different individuals as watch stations they can check on from time to time as a way of experiencing what is happening in our earthly realm. The Book of Enoch explains it well if you take it with a big grain of salt. Peter (referring to Arcturian Perspectives – The Watchers)
I have finished reading “The Code” (Book 4 of the God Book Series) and now look forward to studying it. It gives such pleasure…. Bless you both, Declan
Great website! I love the look and feel and the energy coming from it. I’ve created many websites over the years and yours is one of my all-time favorites.
Thank you so much for the words and wisdom you provide. I’ve only read a few articles but I’m already impressed and will be returning often to see what else you have to offer. I hope you don’t mind my re-posting them on my website.
I’ve been on a spiritual quest for many years and have lived through a lot of turmoil. I’m currently going through what is so far my most difficult challenge, but I decided a few months ago that it was time for me to speak out and be part of a positive light for others. So, I built my blog and try to post things that can highlight what is happening in the 3D world, as well as channeled messages and anything else that interests me.
I found this particular article very interesting and similar to other techniques I’ve learned over the years. I will definitely use it as I move forward. I haven’t been called to channel yet, mainly because of a concern about reaching true divine sources. I basically have not felt ready until very recently. I’m feeling a… need, desire, pull? …but I’m willing to take my time and verify my sources. Thank you again for such a concise, loving article. Dennis (referring to “Checking Sources and Aligning Energies)
Hi again, Celest and David. I too am awaiting a new book in the God book series. I read and re-read the others. I also like your new look! Hal
I wanted to thank all those from the light that are helping us down here on Mother Earth to build a better world, may all our efforts produce the desired results according to God’s plan, it is not easy but we have the internal fortitude to see it through, We all know the right things to do and lead a good life, God has given us many messengers and books showing/telling us how to live and conduct ourselves, He shall give us strength and wisdom, believe in him and all shall come to pass. May God bless. Walt (referring to Archangel Michael – On a Serious Note – Arcturian Perspectives)
I am looking forward to reading Books #5,6, 7and 8 as soon as you get done writing them, I have found the truth in the books 1-4 and just cannot get enough of reading these books, I feel that a whole new world has opened up and that I am going back home, God bless you and may your writings be an inspiration as to what life was meant to be lived. Please let me know when the new books are coming out. Wishing you God’s joy Walt (referring to The God Book Series)
Hello Celest and David!!! I like the new look!!! Great job considering your busy schedule. I AM therefore all is well. Just enjoying a simple life here in the Philippines. Our island has been hit with storms since I have relocated here. Lots of peoples contract ended or they could no longer deal with out of scope soul contracts experiencing. All these souls living Mother Earth was at times difficult to witness. Being especially in a third world country. Where rescue resources were lacking. However being an avid reader and follower of your teachings along with BlueStar, Matthew/Suzy and the other Ascended Masters, I was able to cope with the emotional negativity these storm brought on. A big thanks to All of You!! Doing All I can to stay in the Eye of the storm!! LOVE to ALL. I AM, All is well. Rene – The Coffee Guy
Wonderful inspiration Stewart Benson (referring to “Why the governments of the world are reading and researching Spiritual and extraterrestrial (Star Keepers) websites”)
Every day I’m asking myself if is not by hazard that I found this site. I am not sure that I am a really light worker, even I’m trying to do my best in my work or my relationships. There are so many information’s that keep me curious, that incite me to know more and more, but still I have many doubts concerning the world around us. I am still looking the stars, I am still looking for ET’s to reveal our really history and to unveil the hidden policy of governments. I am not sure I can do anything to change the things, maybe a shift of attitude or something… I still looking to find my own path and the messages you post here really supports me. It is like a link with my soul. Adriene
Hello Celest!! I hope you doing better than ever. I got to thank you so much for all your books and everything you have revealed to the world. I had been lost for many years wondering about life, where we come from and why of all the suffering on this planet.
I always thought of God and wanted to get to know him for who he really was not what any religious institution said about him. i always at night looked at the stars and had this feel and strong attraction to them. i wonder about the universe life itself and the many things I had inside me that i believe were true, now thanks to you I finally have come to know the truth about me and life itself.
Thank you so much for helping get to know God like nobody else had done before and thank you for opening my eyes to my own dreams and the true reality. im now fighting my own self and as they say own demons to change and become who i was meant to be from the beginning, it’s not easy but i know beyond this life a better one is awaiting and i dream of it.
To my beloved planet earth (Terra) I can say i love her and everything she is and had been for me, I’ll help her on her ascension to the next dimension. Thank you Celest and David, for most thank you my beloved GOD!!! Ronald
HOORAY!! Happy to say my newest book (Beyond the Journey) has just arrived safely here in the High Country of country Victoria, Australia, and I’ve been in my meditation room turning the pages ever so slowly so I don’t miss a single word! God spoke of the ‘feeling’ in the Introduction and I DO KNOW that precious feeling…’s like a wonderful unexpected ‘surprise’ has arrived and I’m savoring the anticipation of what it contains. If I go slowly through each page, underlining salient points as I go (which is my habit) perhaps this ‘feeling’ will last ‘forever’.
Please, dear David and Celest, accept my most heartfelt gratitude for your extraordinary efforts in bringing this book into being – and, would I be most presumptuous in asking a moment of your time now to relay on my behalf – through my tears, a hugely personal ‘thank you’ to God?
I’m doing it too – frequently – but your gifts and constant connection offer a readiness that so many of us can only dream of.
Bless your beautiful hearts for all you are, all you do and all you give, so that millions of us making headway on our own journeys can take greater strides towards our goal of ‘reunion’……….
Most sincerely, Ann in Melbourne
My name is Tony, I am reading the god series books. I would like to thank you both & God for your eye opening information. I am starting book 4, the code. I would like too thank all involved in the production of these marvelous works.
Hi there, Celest and David. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your efforts and messages.
I do a lot of reading, much of which is of a channeled nature. While I find that many pieces have value, often times it seems that the offering of the messages is too much of an all-is-well-continue-to-hold-the-light nature.
I don’t mean this in condemnation because they help me brighten my days, I learn from them, and they help to keep me informed about things I’d otherwise be unaware. I know there’s truth in them. It’s just that in reading them I feel they can too easily become “mainstream,” and in doing so a reader may easily get a false sense of Earth’s true state of affairs. Particularly after whatever may or may not occur on December 21st. It seems that too many channels, even some of the most commonly trusted, lean in the direction that all evil and suffering will be majorly minimized or cease within months.
I find Awakened Hearts and related sites refreshing. They cause me to refocus, to rethink. For example, I just finished reading the “Irrational Sects” article. The Kids! Duh! It’s so obvious. Yet so few of us think about the grand scale of their troubles, myself no exception, and the fact that they are humanity’s future. They’re valuable topics like this that it seems most messages never touch on, almost as though they don’t even exist, as if there’s little if any processing involved.
The messages you share are like a much needed splash of cold water.
Thank you, John
Dear Celest and David,
I am being “nudged” to make contact with you this day and I want to thank you for all the wonderful work you have done and continue to do.
The past two years have been difficult, but I have done my best under the circumstances to cope with the energies I was given to transmute.
Yes, the hardest part was “watching” powerlessly in my own mind as some of these energies ran their course without my being able to do anything about it!
The path of the “blue flame” is at times challenging, but once you exit the dark tunnel the feelings of fulfillment are almost overwhelming.
I am extremely thankful I was allowed to incarnate on Earth during this time as I could not have learned and experienced all I did at any other time or place.
I love you guys very much as I continue to remember more and more. I can’t wait to reunite with all my Soul Clusters.
As I continue writing this I can feel the last vestiges of illusion melt away. I can feel my Star Family growing closer and closer by the minute and I rejoice with light love and humility at the chance of joining you in Our/God’s work of spreading the Divine Light.
With much Love…Salude, ~Alfred
P.S. God has given me a stern warning in this life about “unwarranted explorations” and I will be sure to heed his advice! (gulp…)
The God books series has given me very much. Slowly but surely the views I had about myself, the other people of the world, Terra, plants and animals have been replaced by a totally different view. I have grown from these books. The way I experience myself has changed. I realize I am in charge of my life to a much greater degree than I thought earlier. I often felt so overwhelmed by the problems of the world, that I felt small and insignificant. That has changed too. I feel taller and more powerful these days.
Beyond the journey describes what you will be doing after you die – or rather depart from earth. It describes how you are healed, how you quietly evaluate your last life, how you let go of disappointments and finally with the help of your Guides and friends start making plans for a new life time. After reading all this, my memories of having gone through these cycles many times are slowly returning. They make me feel better, less anxious and more at peace and often even content to be me.
The last God book – Beyond the journey – offers a lot of powerful suggestions. Things you can do to advance your spiritual growth. These suggestions have an almost immediate result. My dreams immediately comment on the new actions I undertake and my meditations change. They are really fun to work with and almost “feel the ground shift under your feet”.
God has put a lot of power in these books.
Keep on writing David and Celest! Maria
Hi, David and Celest! Your books and your messages have woken me up! I was a fence straddler and didn’t even know it!!! XOXOX
Hi Celest and David, I see that you have been busy on the road that is why I haven’t been in touch with you. I hope you are both well and looking after yourselves. I congratulate you both again for Beyond the Journey.
I really loved it and got lots of wonderful Wisdom and Knowledge from God. Yes it was very serious, but I understood God had to do it for our benefit to share His Truths that we needed to remember and helping us To go forward.
I have read it twice now, and I learned a lot more that I had missed. I am trying to be patient but it is hard. Patience is not my strong point. Martha
It has been a month since the Summit. I feel that it has been very beneficial, thank You. I am pursuing the Reading Room for Spiritual experiencing and sharing I presented. But first I need furniture and equipment. It will come. Thank you for your offer for materials. I know you don’t have time for answering emails, but I wanted to let you know my appreciation and that I am still pursuing my goal. Love you both, Raphael
Tell God I love Him like I love the water it takes my thirsty away, I cry for His world like I cry for the helpless ant that loses its track because of the fire, but like the ant I will burn out on His service till the end, Good night To you Guys….Samuel:)
Redza: I have to tell you something…Last Friday I was with Mary in the car (just 2 of us) and we were talking and … I said God can be very funny too…and she responded…”Don’t you mean – ‘I AM funny”…wow, I said give me a FIVE Angel!
Hey it is amazing I found your site. I had a dream about this type of wand but didn’t know what it was called. Then i saw your information on “Atlantean Wands… sweet. Thanks Ryan.
In the last 72 hours I have received some very powerful information to further me along the path. One was The Talmud of Jmmanuel, wherein your site of mentioned. Ever since coming to Blue Star Speaks it has remained opened in the tray of the computer here.
A heartfelt thank you, with immense gratitude for all that you ALL are doing. I AM beside myself with joy at having been divinely directed (I’m sure) to these writings. Again my sincere gratitude. You have refreshed the Spirit, and given greater focus and direction.
I Enjoy Your Show. When I called in U answered a question that helped me. I truly have a lot to learn from u. I have so much questions about things that s going on with me any way Thank you. Sandra
Hello David and Celest, I feel that I know you personally after reading the first God series books and looking forward with great anticipation ordering Beyond the Journey. Every time I re-read the God series books it is like reading a new book all over again. I cannot put in works how grateful I am to the both of you agreeing to be God’s scribes here in this wonderful age to be alive in. I love you both very much. I know the two of you work endlessly doing God’s work and I thank you and God that you do this great service to help awaken us all to God’s truths. You both are in my prayers and my heart.
Dear David and Celest, your website is great. Thank you so much for being who you are and do what you do. With so much love and light. Frank
Thank you Celestial and David for delivering these messages from God. I read The Code twice and I got so much more out of it the second time. I find these books to be profoundly difficult and yet exhilarating! I’m only just beginning Beyond the Journey and already I’ve been to Wikipedia and the dictionary and re-reading and mulling over the text asking “what does that mean?” and asking Soul Voice for understanding. As difficult as it is, I am driven to understand and am excited by all of it. It is wonderful to have something so tangibly helpful n the endeavor to know oneself. Thanks so much. ALL LOVE ~ Melanie
Celest & David – I finished the new God Book yesterday. This one was the best so far for me. God has confirmed all of the thoughts and inklings I’ve been having over the past few years – thoughts I never mentioned to anyone because they were too “outrageous”. 🙂
David, I finished putting my 12″ flagship (Pleiadian Flagship Star Crystal) together and it WORKS. I have a physic friend and she could see the energy it was producing and said that when I get a crystal for it, it will probably reach out 20 miles. This is so amazing. I haven’t slept as sound as I did last night in I don’t how long. My friend said the 10′ flagship built in Texas covers a 1500 mile radius.
Again, thank you for all the information that you supply. This is so AMAZING. Dave
Celest and David, What a rare opportunity it was to find two people who are so aligned in the Starseed work as the two of you. Lavan
Celest and David, What a delight you were on the call last night. We have so many Starseed that are walk-ins and they are still reeling from the show. I hope that you will come on the radio show again and talk with our audience. I applaud you for the work that you have done on the planet and will continue to do as well. Lavandar
Protection words given to Celest by Jesus
I here and now command in the name of Jesus The Christ and the White Light that if there is any entity, any Being, or any energetic form is trying to harm me, any that are not of The Jesus The Christ Consciousness that are not of the most evolved forms of God I Am then I here and now command that they disappear and cease to exist, all this I now command in the name of Jesus The Christ, of Mary Magdalene, the God of this Universe and in the name of this Universe itself.
Hi Guys!! I just wanted to drop you a quick message to let you know how VERY excited we are about reading God’s next book! We check your website every day in hopes of new and exciting information to help us grow and become better gardeners. So she found your book would be available mid day today… she emailed me right away and we bought them as soon as we were able!! Thank you so very much for all your hard work! I can’t tell you how grateful we are that God is willing to share so much information with us! I can only imagine how hard you both work so that we can benefit.
I love, Love, LOVE learning! I can’t even convey how different my world is since reading these God books. And Blue Star’s books as well! I’m not just happy to be alive, I’m GRATEFUL. There were years of my life I pleaded with the Universe to just let me leave this planet. It’s incomprehensible to me now, but it was truly how I felt. Now I will spend as long as I can here, trying to be the very best soul that I can be. Boy oh boy am I Glad God and Terra didn’t listen to me!! Ha haaaa!
I would love to stay and chat a while, but I have a VERY important book to read! Thank you both so much! I love you more than the simple word can convey, so I’m sending you the truth of my energy with this message. I hope it’s clear. Love to you both!
God’s Cat Self
Thank you so much for all that you do, we cannot move into evolution so fast without your help,
God bless you.. Walt