To Live AS a Life Lived Well – 6-30-2018 Chako’s journey here on Earth was completed. Hers and Jesus’s teachings live on in her books. We recommend reading them all.
This page updated 12-05-2020
Chako Priest’s 15 books including “The Ultimate Experience – The Many Paths to God” series are listed on this page

The Faces of Ascension
Book #15
Published February 2017
Available in Hard cover, Soft cover and E-book
This book and all of Chako’s previous books are available direct from Trafford Publishing or from
THE FACES OF ASCENSION is a book for all ages. It will tweak your outdated belief systems and jump start your Ascension ambitions.
Verling (Chako) Priest, Ph. D. has channeled an intriguing BOOK 15. The Faces of Ascension. Sananda/Jesus has brought forth 8 Masters and God, the Luminescent. Each describes the various faces of Ascension. The Masters: Saint Germaine, Mother Mary, Gautama Buddha, Kuan Yin, Mary Magdalene, Ashtar and Djwal Khul, Mother Earth- Gaia, Kuthumi, and God give the readers new teachings for the path to Ascension. Each Master presents a different aspect/face–giving, receiving, joy, laughter, love, perseverance, and many more. Adversity, while mentioned, is not a face but a catalyst.
Verling Chako Priest is a telepathic channel for The Masters. She holds four degrees in higher education, two in psychology and two in transpersonal psychology. “Transitions” is her thirteenth book. Dr. Priest lives in Sun City Grand, Surprise, Arizona, and has been a channel for over forty years.
She has also been a contributor to God’s books in the “The God Book” series which are received by Celestial Blue Star of the Pleiades and David or Arcturus from God and all the other Luminescents (Luminescents – the Gods and Goddesses from all the other Universes). She will continue to do so in the upcoming Book #8 of the series “Avatars in the Valley of the Ancients” which will be published later in 2017.
Chako Priest /

Death Processes & Beyond of 11 Entities
Volume II
Book #14
This book and all of Chako’s previous books are available direct from Trafford Publishing or from
NOTE: in the search box just type “Chako Priest” or “Verling Chako Priest”
By Verling Chako Priest, Ph.D.
Published: 12/10/2015
Format: Available in Hardcover, Softcover and eBook format
Pages: 142
Verling Chako Priest, Ph.D. has once again channeled an extraordinary book. Eleven Entities who reside in Heaven come forth and tell their death processes and entrance into Heaven.
In BOOK 13 (Volume One) the Entities were all male. In BOOK 14, the subjects are all female.
Their deaths are varied from being ejected during a car crash, to asphyxiation from C.O.P.D. and nine other descriptive accounts of the women’s passing. The death experience does not always involve a tunnel. Some of the Entities just become aware that a woman is with them (Angel) guiding them to a Care Center where they are healed after sleeping a few days to a few weeks.
Another constant is each individual reviews his life on a huge screen. Many others are viewing their lives, but they are unable to hear or see the other lives on those screens. This book will trade old beliefs for new ones—the pearly Gates and gold roads are an illusion. You do not need to eat or drink; that is your choice as you evolve.
Souls reincarnate when they choose, or are nudged to return. “TRANSITIONS Vol.II, Death Processes & Beyond of 11” Entities is a book for all ages. It is definitely a page-turner!
Verling Chako Priest is a telepathic channel for The Masters. She holds four degrees in higher education, two in psychology and two in transpersonal psychology. “Transitions” is her thirteenth book. Dr. Priest lives in Sun City Grand, Surprise, Arizona, and has been a channel for over forty years.
She has also been a contributor to God’s books in the “The God Book” series which are received by Celestial Blue Star of the Pleiades and David or Arcturus. She will continue to do so in the upcoming Book #8 of the series “Avatars in the Valley of the Ancients” which will be published later in 2016.
Chako Priest /
Death processes and Beyond of 11 Entities
Book 13 – Published April 20th, 2015
“Verling Chako Priest, Ph.D. has channeled an extraordinary book. Eleven Entities who reside in Heaven come forth and tell their death processes and entrance into Heaven. Their deaths are varied from suicide, a broken neck, getting entangled in bramble-like scrub in the Outback of Australia and dying from dehydration, kicked in the head by a steer, being caught in an avalanche, and more.
The death experience does not always involve a tunnel. Some of the Entities just become aware that a man is with them (Angel) guiding them to a Care Center where they are healed after sleeping a few days to a few weeks.
Another constant is each individual reviews his life on a huge screen. Many others are viewing their lives, but they are unable to hear or see the other lives on those screens. This book will trade old beliefs for new ones–the pearly gates and gold roads are an illusion. You do not need to eat or drink; that is your choice as you evolve. Souls reincarnate when they choose. One of our subjects has resided in Heaven since the 1800’s. (However, if they do not make a move for soul growth, the Over-soul will nudge them back to Earth for another round.)
TRANSITIONS, Death Processes and Beyond of 11 Entities is a book for all ages. It definitely is a page-turner!”
About the Author
Verling Chako Priest is a telepathic channel for the masters. She holds four degrees in higher education: two in psychology and two in transpersonal psychology. Transitions is her thirteenth book. Dr. Priest lives in Sun City Grand, Surprise, Arizona, and has been a channel for over forty years.
Available in E-book, paperback and hardcover directly from the publisher
or at
To read more about Chako and some of the messages she has received please visit her section on our website:
Go to the link below to order Chako’s books from the publisher or go to

Relationships: The Many Aspects
Published December 2, 2014
Channeled by Verling Chako Priest, Ph.D,
Available in E-book, paperback and hardcover directly from the publisher
or at
“RELATIONSHIPS: The Many Aspects” is an informative little book. The Masters come forth and give a teaching on one of the many aspects of a relationship. This book is appropriate for all ages, as it leads the reader into self-examination of his or her relationships.
Sananda gives the Foreword and Introduction. He also teaches on religions in the first chapter. St. Germain teaches on the importance of giving and being able to receive. Serapis Bey speaks on kindness. Djwhal Khul teaches about transitions. God uses scabs as a metaphor for all the violence and factions of negativity that humanity is experiencing. As people come together and dialogue, bits of the scab chip off so that healing can begin. Mary Magdalene follows with her piece on acceptance. Ashtar talks about relationships in his Galactic Command. Lady Nada notes that people wear rose-colored glasses in their relationships. Babaji speaks about the complexity of this subject. Kuthumi teaches the importance of releasing.
Twelve chapters lead the readers to introspection of their belief systems, parental programming, and how they perceive the world. All of this is what people bring with them when they enter into a relationship.
About Chako
Verling Chako Priest, Ph. D is a transpersonal psychologist, psychotherapist, and a conscious telepathic channel and reader. “Relationships” is her twelfth channeled book. Chako has traveled extensively to Egypt, Israel, and Venezuela, and she has lived three years each in Hawaii, Vietnam, Australia, and Greece. She currently lives in Surprise, Arizona. She works mainly with Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus). He brings to her various ascended masters who give their teachings on many subjects, which then are put into book form. Chako, as she prefers to be called, is a senior-a great-grandmother. She has three adult daughters, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Chako has been a student of metaphysics for over forty years and an author of spiritual channeled books for the last eleven years.
To find out more about Chako and to read her messages please go to

Published: 9/5/2013
Available in E-book, paperback and hardcover at or
Presenters: Jeshua, Saint Germain, God & Mother Mary, Lord of Justice, AA Michael, Djwhal Khul, Lady Nada, Master Jonas, Serapis Bey, and Kuan Yin.
MASTERS’ TALES of NOW is a surprising little book of approximately 155 pages. Masters come forth and tell true tales of what is or what is not NOW energy. The book is similar to The Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tales. The exception is the Masters’ tales are true. These 22 tales will lead you into the wisdom of the NOW energy. You will learn to recognize it within you, but always remember, judgments, however, will break any ties to the NOW energy. This book is appropriate for all ages.
Verling CHAKO Priest, Ph.D. is a telepathic channel. Jeshua/Jesus is her Mentor and brings other Masters forward to participate in her 11 books. She has traveled all over the world, living in Hawaii, Viet Nam, Australia, and Greece. She has 3 daughters, 6 grandchildren, and 2 great grand babies. She currently lives in Arizona, USA.
To find out more about Chako and read her messages go to

My Beloved Connection to Humanity and the Sea
By Rev. Cynthia Williams & Verling CHAKO Priest, Ph.D.
Channeled by Rev. Cynthia Williams and Verling CHAKO Priest, Ph.D. Jesus/Jeshua ben Joseph’s My Beloved Connection to Humanity and the Sea is a fascinating read. Jesus begins by telling the reader who God is and how we too are gods. Jesus uses metaphors to help the reader understand how this could be. Taking the sacred number of 12, he weaves the twelve chapters into the rich tapestry of teachings for humanity’s growth. He explains how humanity stepped down its energies on a soul level in order to experience duality in all its variations. Jesus has a deep love of the sea that is evident in the many miracles that he performed in multiplying fish and calming the waters. In our own history, we can find reference to dolphinlike creatures that walked upon the land during the day and returned to the sea at night. The teachings these beings brought forth were all about love, peace, and joy. Jesus communicated with the sea world in an ongoing basis. It is his desire for humanity to understand that there is more to his story than what is in the Bible. Jesus Christ asks you to read this book, allowing yourself to awaken your own remembrance from that far distant time.
Thank you for your continued interest in my books. The JESUS… book took 2 years to come to fruition. I am sure you will find it was well worth the wait!
Love and blessings to all,
Chako Priest 7-12-12
Note: Chako and Trafford publishing are in the process of converting all of these books in eBook format as well.

The Ultimate Experience: The Many Paths to God
“Realities of the Crucifixion“
Book 4
by Verling CHAKO Priest, PhD
Jesus/Yeshua/Sananda orchestrate this book of twenty four chapters, each narrated through the telepathic channel, CHAKO, who in that life time was Mariam, Jesus’ adopted cousin-sister.
About the Book
There are twenty four chapters in this book. Each one leads the reader deeper into the intricacies of three realities that commingled during the crucifixion.
Five Apostles, Judas, John, James, Peter, and Matthew refute sayings attributed to them. Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Grandmother Anna, and Mariam, Jesus’ adopted sister give insights into the Holy Family. Saint Luke states he was Edgar Cayce. Archangel Michael urges people to call upon him. Jacob-Israel tells of his twelve sons, the names to be the Twelve Tribes. Joseph of Egypt was the soul, Jesus. Plato and the Goddess Athena add their stories. God, the Father makes comments in the Introduction, dictates a chapter, and closes the book.
The richness of the information in this book will educate you, intrigue you, and change your belief systems forever.
The Ultimate Experience: The Many Paths to God
“Messages From the Heavenly Hosts”
Book 5
by Verling CHAKO Priest, PhD
Jesus/Yeshua/Sananda orchestrates this fifth book channeled by the Author, CHAKO, who in that Biblical era was Mariam, the adopted cousin-sister of Yeshua. Many Biblical stories are refuted.
About the Book
This book is orchestrated from start to finish by Jesus/Yeshua/Sananda. He brings forth sixteen Presenters, each of whom addresses issues relevant to humanity today. Saul of Tarsus refutes much that has been written about him. He supports the equality of women. Serapis Bey speaks about forgiveness, which even Yeshua had to learn. Babaji taught Yeshua how to control his emotional body. Mary Magdalene and Mariam, his adopted cousin-sister, describe how they helped stabilize Yeshua when humanity’s thoughts raged through him. Mother Mary and Joseph speak of raising Yeshua. God cautions us to watch our judgments. Sananda, Ashtar, Surea of Sirius tell of the many spaceships monitoring the world. Sanat Kumara tells of Earth changes. This book carries on from where Book FOUR left off with the Realities of the Crucifixion. The Masters emphasize the importance of releasing our belief structures. Do you want your Truth built upon someone else’s lies? The main message is to change your beliefs, so that your soul and the Earth can evolve. Abraham, Helios and Vesta from the Fourth Sun close the chapters. This book will change your belief structures forever.
The Ultimate Experience: The Many Paths to God
“Your Space Brothers and Sisters Greet You!”
Book 6
by Verling CHAKO Priest, PhD
Spaceships are coming with Sananda and Ashtar at the helm.
About the Book
This incredible book gives you a peek into the world of spaceships as told by eleven Masters of the Ashtar Command. Each Presenter gives his or her description of what awaits us if we choose to be lifted up on board these beautiful UFOs of Light.
Lord Yeshua/Jesus orchestrates this sixth book, as he introduces each Presenter: Andromeda Rex, Ashtar, Lady Tuella, Quan Yin, Lord Surea of Sirius, Christ Michael, Archangel Michael, Lady Nada, Divine Mother, Djwhal Khul, and Lord Sananda. There are twenty chapters that keep the Reader wanting more. We are told that the lift-offs onto these exquisite ships are by our free choice only. There will be four waves of opportunity for humanity to escape the rigors of Earth changes. Christians will equate this to the Rapture that is described in their bibles. We are told that this gift of lift-offs is through God’s Dispensation that is offered to everyone, regardless of his or her religious affiliations. All that is required is love in one’s heart toward humanity. You will be accepted.
Book SIX will stretch your beliefs and bring you into the world of science fiction, except truth is spoken here. Be ready to be lifted into a new reality‹a reality of spaceships, the Masters’ home away from Home.
The Ultimate Experience: The Many Paths to God
“Teachings of the Masters of Light “
Book 7
by Verling CHAKO Priest, PhD
Masters of Light give us their thoughts on homosexuality, the political scene, the Biblical era.
About the Book
The Ultimate Experience: The Many Paths to God, subtitle The Teachings of the Masters of Light, Book 7 has 231 pages and 22 chapters. The 18 Presenters are Masters and Lady Masters who are channeled by the author. They give their teachings on a variety of subjects. Yeshua/Jesus orchestrates the book.
Lord Kuthumi speaks of Homosexual planets.
Lady Guinevere sees another Camelot for the White House.
Mother Mary tells us a bit about Yeshua and his fondness for seasoning her stews.
Ashtar reiterates the fact that their ships protect the world and watch for any attempts to trigger nuclear war. It will never happen on their watch!
Blue Star of the Pleiades makes the observation that much of humanity straddles a fence and is slow to make that decision for Ascension. He speaks of walk-ins and how many souls are opting to enter into a more mature body versus a wee baby one.
Book 7 will continue to teach you of God’s world and Spirituality versus dogmatic religion. The main theme for humanity is to be flexible and to be willing to change one’s outmoded belief systems.

The Ultimate Experience: The Many Paths to God
“”Paulus of Tarsus: A Man Driven by the Word”
Book 8
by Verling CHAKO Priest, PhD
About the Book
Let me go back and bring truth and love into my narration, and not pride in my passion for spreading to the Jews and Gentiles what I thought were His Words and the meaning of the Kingdom of God. – Saint Paul
Channeled by Verling CHAKO Priest, Paulus of Tarsus presents the unique viewpoints on Saint Paul by some of the Bible’s most fascinating and influential characters.
Presenters Barnabas, Peter, Luke, and Jesus/Yeshua, share their remembrances of Paul’s time in history. As each person lends a different perspective of Paul’s life, Paul himself struggles in his attempt to set the record straight. He discusses how he lost his way on his Christian walk and even how he asks for Jesus’ forgiveness for incorrectly interpreting the Word.
With brutal honesty, the Presenters challenge our belief systems concerning Paul’s ministry and reinforce Paul’s humanity and his willingness to give his life in service to Jesus and his word. But most importantly, they remind us to give our very best as we travel life’s road.
A unique and stimulating read, Paulus

The Ultimate Experience: The Many Paths to God
Feminine & Masculine Aspects Must Balance
Book 9
by Verling CHAKO Priest, PhD
About the Book
In your first journey upon the Earth, if you came in as a male, you will come back out in your female form in the Ascension process. Conversely, if your first journey was as a female, you will come back out as a male.
Jesus/Yeshua Channeled by Verling CHAKO Priest, The Goddess Returns to Earth presents a simple formula for the masculine and feminine aspects within each of us—keep them balanced!
Presenters Jesus/Yeshua, the Divine Mother, God the Father, Saint Germain, Lady Nada, Kuthumi-Agrippa, AA Michael, Quan Yin, and Mary Magdalene each share his/her wisdom on these aspects and the importance they play in our ascension.
Once again our belief systems are challenged. I am a senior woman and to be told that I have a male soul was a stretch for even me, the Author! A unique read, The Goddess Returns to Earth stimulates the Reader and leads him/her down avenues that have never been explored.
By Verling CHAKO Priest Ph.D
Publication Date: July 20, 2011
BOOKS 1, 2, & 3 REVISITED is a compilation of the first three books in THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE series which were never published. Jesus brings forth 11 Presenters who give the readers poignant Teachings on a variety of subjects from marriage and divorce, to sex, to reflections on the Papacy… There are 75 stories, Teachings, plus the Closing Statements, which hold a plethora of information for readers. Jesus the Christ is the orchestrator, as well as the narrator of these amazing books, as He tells the facts and fiction of His own life.
Dear friends of my books:
Throughout these last 6 years I have received requests from several of you asking for my first 3 manuscripts (2004-5). These manuscripts were never published. I just distributed them by word of mouth. Now, however, I have been guided to ‘revisit’ them–re-read, re-edit. It took me and my editor, Heather Clarke, 2 months to accomplish this, but it is done! We turned the 3 manuscripts into one book. It has the same cover design as the others in that series, and incorporates all 75 lectures that were given to me telepathically by 11 Masters. It has 426 pages.
The title reads: The Ultimate Experience, The Many Paths to God: Books One, Two, & Three, Revisited, by Verling CHAKO Priest, Ph.D.
ISBN # 978-1-4269-7664-3 (Soft Cover)
ISBN # 978-1-4269-7665-0 (e-book)
This book is available at either Trafford (the publisher): 1-888-232-4444
Type in the search box Verling Chako Priest and a list of all my books will come up.
Or on in both Paperback and Kindle eBook formats
I do hope you enjoy this latest offering of my books. Keep in mind that this book is the compilation of the first 3 in that series, and now that series is complete.
Blessings to all of you,
Chako Priest 8-20-11
I AM Sananda. Beloved Readers of these books know that I, Lord Sananda and the various other Presenters, have given you this information for a particular reason. We do not just give forth our wisdom to an unknowing crowd. It is not loosely done on our part. Every time that we speak it has a purpose. The purpose may be simple—may sound simple—but it is complex for our words carry much energy. Therefore, our words, you see, will illicit in you the reader the ideas, the teachings that you have had in the past.
Your past is past! I like that phrase: What was was; what is is; what is now is now. Even these books that we have written with the help of this channel, known to you as Chako, even these books are in the past. However, we invite you to read them. We invite you.
Many of you hold belief systems that are ancient, beyond centuries old even that no longer serve you. Let them drop to the wayside. Be open to new ideas. Let the new ideas come forth. Look at them; study them. Then look at your own library of your mind and see what you can discard, what no longer serves you.
Can you believe with all your heart that I never married? How can you believe such an outmoded idea as that? Is it because the priests of each generation are not supposed to be married so therefore, the scribes wrote that Jesus never married either?
There is so much fact and fiction intermingled that it takes patience to try and find the Truth. There is Truth in these books as you read the various excerpts. There is Truth here. Let it come into your heart. Know in your heart that Jesus was a simple man with extraordinary ability. And yes, he is an aspect of me.
However, he had his frailties just as all of you have. He was born into a generation where the people had little consciousness. They were glued to their Laws that many times were not for that generation—just as many of you are glued to the sayings in the New Testament of the Christian bibles where many of the verses are not true for today.
Be discerning; be willing to let go; be willing to change. In our books we talk much about changing your belief systems. That is the purpose of these books—to keep hammering away at those belief systems, so that someday you may say, Oh my gosh, Jesus was married. His wife was Mary Magdalene. He had children. He did not die on the cross after all!
He was human in a body created by God, very much like your bodies are created by God. Know as you hold the books, you are holding Truth. And yes, we speak in different ways. It would be similar to your colors. To some the color would be red and to others it could be green. Your perceptions, your discernments all color what you read when you read books such as ours.
The different Presenters that came forth did so with great joy in their hearts. You cannot imagine the different Lords and Ladies that were lined up to speak with this Channel. These books, dear Readers, are meant to be shared; are meant to be discussed; are meant to be passed around; are meant to be given as gifts; or are meant to be put in the precious corner of your personal library. Honor them for they carry the energy from the powerful Beings that spoke the words. You are holding a gift in your hands and not a monetary gift, but a gift that the various Presenters have given to you. Each time one spoke to you in a chapter it is a gift that Being is giving you from the wisdom that has taken him/her centuries to develop.
Accept these gifts, dear Readers, and of course question them. No two people think alike. Do not be sheep that follow. Have your own ideas. Generate new ideas but embrace wisdom and Truth when it is spoken.
I AM Sananda, Lord of your world and I give you my wisdom and give you my love. Greetings.
December 7, 2008, Sunday, 11:20 AM.
“About the Author”
Verling CHAKO Priest, PhD was born in Juneau, Alaska, hence her name of Cheechako, shortened to just Chako by her mother, a medical doctor, and her father, an Orthodontist. Chako was raised in Napa, CA. She attended the University of California at Berkeley where she met her future husband. Upon their marriage and after his training as a Navy pilot, they settled into the military way of life. They lived twelve years outside of the United States Mainland in various places, which included Hawaii, Viet Nam, Australia, and Greece. Little did she know that these exotic lands and peoples were preparing her for her spiritual awakening years hence?
After her husband’s retirement from the Navy, they resettled in Napa, California. It was during this time that she returned to school at Berkeley, transferred to Sonoma University where she earned her first two degrees in Psychology. Chako then entered the doctoral program at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP) at Menlo Park, CA, which is now located in Palo Alto, CA. She successfully completed that program which consisted of a Master, as well as the Doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology. Ten years and four degrees later she was able to pursue her passion for Metaphysical and New Age Thought-her introduction into the realm of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Lords and Masters.
In 1988, Dr. Priest moved to Minnetonka, Minnesota. She co-authored a program called, Second Time Around for those with recurring cancer for Methodist Hospital. She, as a volunteer, also facilitated a grief group for Pathways of Minneapolis, and had a private practice.
She studied with a spiritual group in Minnetonka led by Donna Fortune and the Teacher, a group of highly developed entities channeled by Donna. The group traveled extensively all over the world working with the energy grids of the planet and regaining parts of their energies that were still in sacred areas waiting to be reclaimed by them, the owners. They climbed in and out of the pyramids in Egypt, tromped through the Amazon forest in Venezuela, rode camels at Sinai, and climbed the Mountain. Hiked the paths at Qumran, trod the ancient roadways in Petra, Jordan, and walked where the Master Yeshua walked in Israel.
The time came, November 1999, when Chako was guided to move to Arizona-her next phase of growth. This is where she found her beloved Masters, who in reality had always been with her. They were all ready for her next phase, bringing into the physical several books-mind-provoking books, telepathically received by her, from these highly evolved, beautiful, loving Beings. Each book stretches her capabilities, as well as her belief systems. Nevertheless, it is a challenge she gladly embraces.
She just has finished writing the seventh book. The Masters are now speaking of the eighth book. There seems to be no end in sight (smile).
Author of the series of books:
The Ultimate Experience, The Many Paths to God
Read some of Chako’s Messages on the website at