Inspiring People to Love Unconditionally

~ "Inspiring People to Love Unconditionally" ~
By Harold Becker

Dear Friends,

Our world is always changing and even the most seemingly static physical forms eventually dissolve to be reborn in a new form another day. We, as self aware beings, have the attribute that allows us to interact and influence this process consciously. This is an incredible creative quality that lets us shift, shape and mold the world around us. We get to play with the very fabric of form which is an awesome opportunity with incredible responsibility.

As a result of this creative ability, we presently find ourselves in an era of change that is literally transforming every aspect of our lives. The past hundred years alone has been one of exponential expansion that is affecting every single atom on this beautiful orb we call home. For example, we have gone from experiences like the horse and buggy to interplanetary vehicles mapping the cosmos and from expressing ourselves with ink on paper to infinite forms of electronic communication being conveyed through the air. Even our beloved earth is reflecting resulting changes in the environment which we presently label as global warming.

So what is really driving this seemingly exponential shift in experiences in such a brief period of time? Could the big picture be that we are really opening our heart to allow a profound new way to experience life?

Looking around at the results of our human creative influence, it is clearer and more obvious each day that the thoughts and feelings we hold in our consciousness directly affect everything. The power we wield through our resulting actions is either life affirming or destructive. It is becoming painfully obvious that a logical, technical and mechanical world needs the wise balance of love, nurturing and harmony, otherwise we will destroy ourselves. Our masculine and feminine qualities must come into greater balance for our very survival and evolution.

We are allowing love to merge once again into the very essence of our consciousness. When love is present, outmoded, traditional forms do not fit in the same way they once did. For example, a whip will not motivate a car to move faster any more than a dictator can continue to force a population to be held in fear. These are no longer the way the world works when humanity begins to come from the heart and recognizes the unique equality held in all forms of life. Like with any change, there is a time of chaos as we move from one reality to another.

During this transformational time, we have to let go of things that no longer fit or vibrate with our new expression. We need to be flexible and open to new possibilities. We literally have to think outside the box since we can no longer be contained by limiting perspectives and beliefs. This can be challenging when we are accustomed to certain things being the way they were and attempt to maintain the false perception that things are static, safe and secure. Only by letting go and embracing our potential do we start to experience the manifestations of our new reality.

We are taking the first steps to reveal a world based on diversity, equality, harmony, dignity and respect. How? By each choice we make throughout the day. The world quickly adapts and reflects our individual and collective thoughts and feelings. When we intend to play the game in a new way through unconditional love, our choice not only affects our personal life along with those around us, it changes the world for generations.

When we accept ourselves without condition, forgive and release the many instances and emotional pains of the past, and choose to embrace each moment with full awareness, we return to our natural and true state of being. We build forms that are in harmony with our heart not just our minds. We simplify our approach and allow inspiration to take us to new heights. Fear no longer has hold over us and we walk in peace. Coming from love, we affect outcomes and potentials in a wholly different way. We become the example of a new way of living.

Unconditional love is the big picture. Patience and trust is how we traverse this time period. Be patient with the process. When you simply accept you for you, it is easy to allow those around you to be who they are. Trust that you have the strength and courage to live life your way. Allow the love to flow from your heart and witness the changes you begin to experience. The world awaits your creative and loving input.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
President and Founder
The Love Foundation, Inc.
"Inspiring People to Love Unconditionally"

Think: Global Love Day
Feel: Love Begins With Me
Remember: May 1, 2008


