Earth Changes, The walking asleep,
Revisiting the Dust Bowl era, Replenish your Spiritual self
Chemtrails, HAARP, Oxygen depletion
We are watching
"Cammeron of Arcturus"
Greetings to all our Earth-walker cousins. The events of the last year, especially the last six months have been foretold as a type of prophecy, for many a decade. The next three to four months will see much more unfolding rapidly and many more upside down institutions will be shaken by the Great Awakener. The Great Awakener in this sense refers to the sweeping wave of the Jesus The Christ consciousness which is working intimately with God’s NESARA to embrace this planet now and forever more in His Divine Love. With each passing moment evidence of this is becoming blatantly apparent even to those who have their heads steadfastly stuck in the sand and do not have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. It is time for all this to occur. The time is NOW.
You will have by now noticed the many Earth changes which have been presenting themselves as the finale of all the wakeup calls to the walking asleep. Look away from the "disaster" point of view and see the necessity of all these occurrences. All deep seated pockets of negative-negative energy and the last vestiges of dark control are being torn, ripped and when Universally possible, passionately persuaded to either change and evolve or to hasten their exodus from this planet. Yes, this includes ALL the Illuminati’s human counterparts. All areas that have deep seated, karmic induced pockets of mayhem and disorganized chaos prevailing, are being quite literally shaken apart and yes, put on trial for their lack of desire to change. These people, cultures and religions true colors are being aired for all the Universe to see. Which continents will survive, who will survive, which ones will be .allowed to survive the planetary changes is solely up to the populaces of the areas concerned. And please, do not be naïve and think that it is only the third-world countries that apply to this statement. It is rampant everywhere. Choose wisely now to evolve or forever live with your choice of abstaining from MAKING a choice.
There is much to be thankful for. Areas like America, Africa, the Middle East, even the European nations, all who had a vested interest in the re-creation of patterns and ideas that do not resonate with the higher frequencies shall be shaken. Please remember, all these areas have generation upon generation of people who continue to do the same things time and time again while expecting different results. These problems were not created overnight nor will they be vanquished instantly, or in many cases willingly.
Although the Earth Star Planet is ascending into the higher vibrations at an accelerated pace, that does not mean that all of Earth’s inhabitants will ascend with her and the people no longer hiding in plain sight and issues previously overlooked or problems ignored will be solved overnight. The only thing that is guaranteed for sure is that the Illuminati influences will no longer be present to persuade you, to tempt you to follow their self-serving destructive doctrines anymore. It will take many a year to right all the wrongs and misperceptions which have been accepted as normal or accepted as various levels of the casualties of war up until now.
Furthermore, we wish you to be aware of some things that will affect you personally. Among these are the severe problems surrounding contaminated aquifers and massive shortages in water itself. Your water sources all over this planet have been in many cases intentionally contaminated. Isn’t it interesting how some people can become accustomed to dangerous situations because of prolonged exposure to lassitude and lack of empathy? Over drilling of water wells and wells for gas and oil exploration top this list of probable reasons for the contaminations; however they are not the only problem. The overuse of pesticides, the dreadful use of chlorine and fluoride and other pollutants have affected your planet as well. If you wish to avoid the disastrous "Black Blizzard" days of the Dust Bowl era, we suggest you heed our warning and stop misusing your water supplies. You must absolutely stop planting the same crops on the same land(s) year after year. One of the many things in your biblical texts that is a classic example of mistruth is: "ON the Seventh Day God Rested." God did NOT rest! This planet was Created as a cooperative venture through the Creative processing. All "time" exists as spatial (Universal) time; therefore all things happen simultaneously because there IS NO time. This above biblical quotation was how the origins of what was known as the blue laws came into effect. These laws required everyone to not work ON THE SEVENTH DAY and go to church services instead.
Everyone needs time to replenish their Spiritual Self. Every seventh day is not nearly enough, especially in the times you are living in. You need to take a few moments each and every day. I should like to add something else for your consideration. "On the Seventh Year the Land is to Rest." In this sense what I am referring to and what should have been included in your "sacred texts," is the fact that all lands need to lay dormant every seventh year in order to replenish themselves or they will become devoid of nutrients and will subsequently be unable to support life. No amount of fertilizer or plowing under the topsoil will do. Allow the soil the time to breathe, just as we suggest you do for yourself from time to time.
We ask you, how is it that so many of you still believe that one potentially harmful chemical or poison can eradicate the effects of another toxin? Thankfully you have left the "dark ages" when being bled and the use of other toxic substances such as Mercury for healing purposes were considered commonplace. We encourage you to find a good water filtration system for you and your family, YOU will need it. Please keep in mind that your pets and livestock animals as well as food producing plants (gardens and the like) fit into this category as well. If you contaminate the food you eat what good will it do for you to filter the water? That process of filtering your drinking water only will not limit your exposure to other potentially harmful ingredients that may just weaken your immune systems as well. While we on the subject of weakened immune systems please be aware that there are deadly manufactured viruses which are currently circulating on your planet. These viruses are designed to impact upon the immune system. Not everyone who contracts these will recover completely as they have in times past. While we, (those of us who are of the Spirit world and Star Keeper races) can take care of most intentionally introduced invasive viruses, we can not stop them all. The viruses that survive have the capability of impairing your immune system for the rest of this incarnation. Taking proper care of yourself and utilizing ample amounts of supplements such as antioxidants, aloe, magnesium, electrolytes, etc., will assist in keeping you healthy and strong. Celest and David have posted a section on their Awakened Hearts website, a "To Your Health," section in order to share with you the information they know about, as well as information we have passed along to them to assist them in keeping healthy in the days ahead. We suggest you take the time and read it carefully.
You have inadvertently been your own worst enemy by creating your own problems. Due to the lack of proper planning and the lack of exercising discernment in the actions you have taken in your haste to expand upon your societies, you have almost caused your own demise. Is some of this due to global warming? What you term global warming is a natural progression in Earth’s ascension process. Obviously we are not referring to the manufactured harm brought upon this planet through manmade devices. Earth is God’s Eden. As such she was intended to be habitable in all areas and this is the direction she is currently following. Her ascension. In order to do that there will be some changes in all landmasses over time, as the oceans rise and the rivers and streams erosion process gives way to following new pathways. This will not happen overnight and people will be given ample time to relocate as necessary. The problems you have to deal with relating to this are vast in number. Your air, ground and water supplies are contaminated with dry blowing dirt, pesticides, those obnoxious chemtrails and so much more. The solution to some of these problems is simple. Stop over farming areas, allow the natural ground cover to return, stop using water wastefully and do so until abundant supplies return. And find ways to stop the contamination of these vital resources in order to insure your survival on the planet’s surface. Ever heard the old saying, "what goes up must come down." Although this is not always accurate, in the case of spraying pollutants into the air you need in order to survive and then allowing the contamination to seep down into the Earth’s surface, then that quote is most certainly accurate.
The reforestation of this planet will not come overnight much to the tree hugger’s chagrin; please do not think that everything that is as barren as you see it will become pristine and beautiful with a wave of our magic wand. What may be considered to be a convenient timeline for many people, may not be what the planet herself deems to be realistic. The intrinsic beauty and restoration of this planet and the better than it is at this time welfare of the human species will occur moment by moment now, as more Souls awaken to the continued inevitable evolutionary leap in consciousness and the unstoppable power of change. Many of you will be prompted to move to urban areas, to areas of safety, where you can become more self-sufficient. In the years ahead you will find the self-sufficiency aspect of your lives to be paramount to your survival. Businesses will be closing, there will be disruptions in food sources, transportation, grid-power and the like…. so be prepared. Get yourself a good pair of shoes, you may be needing them.
We also urge you to be ever aware of your surroundings. People’s characteristics are being amplified by the influx of the two predominant energies; the dying winds of change and the God inspired NESARA Wave. People will act out, they will be confused and off balance by a world they no longer understand. Please also make note that "Hungry People are Desperate People." Do what you can to help others without drawing undo attention to yourselves. You do not want to become a target nor a martyr. Life may seem as if it is upside down, however please take note that these changes are long overdue and much needed, for all of you, if many of you are to continue to be allowed to survive as a species. Much of your technology has outpaced your humanity and your Spiritual growth. All of this needs to be brought into proper perspective. Once all is completed you will find a much simpler, less complicated, more fulfilling way of living well and expressing yourselves. You will no longer be consumed by "keeping up with the Jones" and the "me, me, me," attitudes that are ever present here now. This is a good thing too. Your focus will alter to being of service to the needs of everyone for the common good.
You are learning a valuable lesson here. Well, some of you are anyway. You are learning to walk with one foot in both worlds, one that is the Spiritual world and the other that is the physical world. You are also learning what it means to be Human. We are here to help in these transitioning times but please do not become foolhardy or aloof and think that we will make everything right and do it all for you. Remember, you, all of you, all of your varied races and cultures of people have allowed this need for sweeping change to happen, so stop pointing fingers at others. It must be you, the people, who correct the past by learning to live in the moment, not for the moment and then move de-light-fully unencumbered into the future. I think now would be a good time for each of you to contact your government representatives, your community leaders and tell them that the abuse of one human being, of one life form is too much. Let them know that the chemtrails they are allowing to be sprayed into your atmosphere in every country, is harmful and doing nothing to reinforce your ozone layer, much less slow down the manufactured parts of global warming. Let them know of the Divinely inspired plan for this world that was originally conceived allowed the plants, trees, pollution free air and water to heal this world – when it was in need of healing. Let them also know that there is no practical reason behind the engineering of genetically modified seeds. Everything on this world was designed just so, so that everything worked in complete harmony with one another, year after year after year. Modifying one aspect disrupts the natural order. This is but another in a long list of control issues that needs to remedied and soon I might add, before it is too late. Terra (Earth) will no longer permit this type of action and you, yourself, should not either. That is if you wish to (1) be able to eat, and (2) if you wish to transition with her as she continues her ascent from the denseness of the lower vibrations your planet was previously enveloped in. Life as you know it there on Earth will never be the same again, you may as well get used to the idea. This IS a good thing. Trust US on that one.
The time honored sheltering and protecting process of keeping people in the dark so that they fear no evil, has left many, actually far too many, people on this planet completely unprepared for the times they are living in. Now I call it "sheltering," whereas others may refer to it as "dumbing-down" a population. They do this by keeping the truth from the people while simultaneously conditioning them to respond with an anticipated, preconceived response. What happened to good old fashioned spontaneity? There are far too many who fear what they do not know. They also fear those whom they erroneously perceive as better or more powerful than they believe they themselves are. This time is changing, the elected officials in all countries are beginning to fear their constituents and rightly so. It is the few who control your media, which I am sure you know. I am wondering how many of you are wondering what is going on presently. The amount of actual quality news has been suppressed more than usual of late. This I call sheltering.. In other words dear Souls, they are treating you like children because big brother, mother, father and sister, believe they know what is best for you. Unlike the children of yesteryear, today’s generations and the upcoming generations of human beings will not take kindly to being pampered and fed placebos any longer. If the truth was to come out about exactly how many Souls are leaving this planet each and every day, because they no longer desire to be here and they are no longer able to fulfill their original Soul Contracts, the domino effect would be devastating. This would cause many others to simply give up and stop trying.
In a short time many truths will come out as one honest reporter after another dares to confront and challenge the Beast. The truth about the origins of money, religions, life on other planets, will be leaked quietly at first to the general populace and then mainstream media will grab a hold of the information as if it was something new. This new, news unlike other late breaking news stories, will not fade away as it has in times past, the people will not allow it. The poisoning of this planet and of the minds and hearts of the people will no longer be tolerated. It will be a grand day indeed.
We know many of you are wondering about the lack of oxygen in your air. There are many reasons for this. Oxygen depletion should be one of your greatest concerns. This depletion affects not only the moisture in your air; it seriously damages the physical vehicle, the body. And if it is having this effect on you, imagine what it is doing to the plant life, the inhabitants of the oceans and other waterways, and to all the other limitless life forms that inhabit this planet. You are the Caretakers of this planet. You plant the seeds for the next generations to come. It is your responsibility to be far wiser and more prudent in your decision making than those who came before you. You have the unique opportunity to do it right this time around. Use the knowledge you have gained and Create a better tomorrow – today. The midnight hour is upon you and the bell is tolling. Be ever mindful of this fact.
I AM Cammeron of Arcturus and proud of it.
Know this….We are here and We are watching. When the day comes, and come it will, that our races are re-introduced to you once again, do not for a nanosecond let your mind wander to the possibility that we are here to enslave this world. This world may not be our primary home, yet it is a world we helped to Create. We have always been here, every generation of since the creation of the human race. Believe it or not, we do speak the truth.
Transmission received by David