Tag: spiritual event

  • “The Musical Oracles”

    . “The Musical Oracles” A Universal-shaking Event Occurred when? Friday, June 11th, 2021 all over the world Note: This is a Vibration Raising Event Special Note from Celest and David: If you were unable to partake in “The Musical Oracles” Event … You still can. And we encourage everyone to merge their energies with ALL of…

  • The Gift – A Christmas Day Event

    The Gift – A Christmas Day Event

    When: 7:00 P.M. in all time zones on December 25th., 2017 Note: Another submission was posted on 12-19 and one at 6.30 p.m. on the 25th NOTE: The newest submissions listed after the others On November 10, 2017 as we were preparing to sit down and log in to the “Pacific North West Pipeline Gathering”…