"Bridging the Gap"
This technique merely requires concentration and focus; it functions as a wondrous way to alleviate and dissipate any and all interferences and interruptions in any "channeling" and interfacing with Higher Dimension entities and energy forms. It also means that those who are in contact with any of the Star Keeper Forces, (known on Earth as extraterrestrials) can receive and transmit all pertinent information with great clarity and understanding. This eliminates a problem so many are encountering both here and in the Higher Dimensions, which is attempting to communicate through the density and the combustive energy of the third-dimension.
It also eliminates the problem of not hearing all the words that are being sent to you.
Simply take 3 small breaths and release them through your nose; close your eyes and be sure you are completely barefoot before you begin Creating this Bridge.
Using simple visualization, picture a pillar, one that is like the ancient roman pillars, in this manner it is huge and round, not any other shape. The pillar is transparent; its size is at least twice the size that you are. Place yourself within the middle of the pillar and be sure that it extends way past your feet, into the earth. The top should be many miles above your head, reaching into the "heavens." When you can see and feel this, call a golden-white light into the pillar, remember as you do so, the light permeates you as well.
When the light is in place, call upon "the gold dust of God" to interact and intermingle with the light in the pillar. You will be able to see or sense the dust filtering up and down your chamber; now simply ask the pillar (chamber) to begin the spiral and circular dance of connection. You should be able to see and/or feel the topmost energy reaching and expanding upward and outward as it searches for the coordinates to establish the golden bridge. Now if you are already in contact with specific beings, simply call their names.
You will find that as you do so, they will immediately be able to communicate with you on a much deeper and easy to hear level. If you are just beginning to connect with these beings, if this is still new to you, I encourage you as well as those who have more experience, to always, ALWAYS check your sources. Be sure you really are connecting with who you think you are. When you have finished with the communication, simply state to yourself and those speaking with you, "I am signing off now." At that point the pillar will disappear until you require it again.
The more you use this method the faster the pillar will integrate with you. For some people the total integration may take place after the first use. Those of you who are used to "hearing" the "INCOMING" clues can immediately put up the pillar. Do not forget, this is important for the beings attempting to reach you as well.
Salude Celest
For more information on finding and maintaining a clear channel of communication to your spirit guides and confirming where the information is coming from, I.E. from an evolved high source of The Christ Light, please go to the following link. We recommend printing both of these articles out and not only learning them, but using them. Those that are trying so hard to communicate with us in this wonderous time we are living in will appreciate your assistance in "Bridging the Gap."
We were led to this awhile back, upon implementing it in our daily lives we have found that communication is virtually effortless and those who we "Speak" to, confirm that this is helping to keep an open channel of communication during these combustive times we are living in. We all need to do our part, this is one small way that makes a big difference.
Go to our Godumentary website to learn more about
"Checking Sources and Aligning Energy"
Salude… Celestial Blue Star