Category: Events

  • God and The Cross Project – Bearing the Mark of God

    God and The Cross Project – Bearing the Mark of God

    God and The Cross Project Aug. 23, 24, 25th, 2024 Today’s date is August 8th, 2024 Why are WE the VOICES of Cyclical Changes “Issuing the Call?” What is this project all about? The God of this Universe and The Creator are aware as are we that the dark is trying to instill as many…

  • The “Christmas Soul Dance” A personal message

    The “Christmas SOUL Dance” A personal message On December 3rd, 2021 there was an unusual silence or more aptly put, an absence, a void if you will of discordant noise throughout most of that day. For on that day The Collective VOICES of All Good Souls both Earthbound and Off-World came together and rose above…

  • “A Christmas Soul Dance” Event

    A Christmas Soul Dance This is an Event that will take place on Friday December 3rd, 2021 We are once again issuing The Call for ALL Good Souls to Unite NOW. Everyone’s participation is essential. Greetings, this is Celest and David. We are sharing time-sensitive information with all of humanity once again. On October 19th…

  • “The Musical Oracles”

    . “The Musical Oracles” A Universal-shaking Event Occurred when? Friday, June 11th, 2021 all over the world Note: This is a Vibration Raising Event Special Note from Celest and David: If you were unable to partake in “The Musical Oracles” Event … You still can. And we encourage everyone to merge their energies with ALL of…

  • Project PUSH – How to perform

    We are creating this page for all those who are new to “Project PUSH.”