Day: February 7, 2011
Conversations with Self
" Conversations with Self " 1st. Be more appreciative of that which you "Do," for without self-praise you will not move forward. You may liken this to a moth and a butterfly, the butterfly chooses to spread its wings and show off in all its glory the beauty and the essence of what it is.…
Celest and David’s Support Group
"Our Sponsors, Our Teachers, Our Friends, Our Family." All you do and all we do, is for the betterment of humanity. As the clock strikes the midnight hour, the more that are prepared, the better. All you need to do is seek council with your family members. They are waiting for your "CALL". "These…
Oxygen and Water Storage information
"Oxygen and Water Storage information" Copyright 2008 by Dale Ferguson. All rights reserved. WATER STORAGE "SECRETS" by Dale Ferguson You need to know these "secrets" because… Water storage is the most significant item in any emergency storage plan. Other than the air that we breathe, it is the single most important thing needed to…
Health Remedies readers comments 1
"Health Remedies" Below are the "Readers Comments" and "Remedies" we have received so far. If you would like to submit your remedies and suggestions to be added to these pages Email us at Please do not email us with questions; we simply do not have time to answer them. Hello, I read your article…
Health Remedies Page #2
When we update this page, all the new information will be at the bottom of this page. We are going to be dealing with various types of health issues and remedies on this webpage. This is the practical part of ourselves. We decided that now, more so than at any previous time in the Earth…