Month: January 2012

  • Nobody Ever Told Them

    ~ Nobody Ever Told Them ~ Quantum Thoughts of Celest and David For a long time now we have quietly watched the myriad shenanigans taking place as people scatter to and fro searching for the answers that they already have. Sounds illogical? Sounds like a contradiction in terms? Yes, to both questions. There are pivotal…

  • Bridging the Gap

    "Bridging the Gap" This technique merely requires concentration and focus; it functions as a wondrous way to alleviate and dissipate any and all interferences and interruptions in any "channeling" and interfacing with Higher Dimension entities and energy forms. It also means that those who are in contact with any of the Star Keeper Forces, (known…

  • Checking Sources and Aligning Energy

    We have added new information on how to “Bridge the Gap.” Scroll down the page to view this. “Checking Sources and Aligning Energy” SPECIAL NOTICE: Those of you who are familiar with Suzy ward and her son Matthew, are well aware that these two Souls, one in human embodiment and one in Spirit Form, are…