Category: Arcturian Perspectives
A Need to Know
The Golden Now IS the timelessness of the "Continuum." The Continuum is where all events (past, present and future) occur simultaneously, only on different energy planes. Energy planes equate to what you commonly refer to as "Dimensions." "A Need to Know" Good morning, good afternoon and good evening to all who have ventured thus far…
The Silent Majority
"The Silent Majority" Greetings to all current Earth Star residents, We are a consortium of Beings from many different Star Systems. You may be wondering why WE, (mainly off world beings) are choosing to be rather silent these last few months. We have not been transmitting too much lately through this receiver, (David). Truth be…
Heralding the Arcturians
"Heralding the Arcturians" Greetings one and all, we who are a consortium of voices from the planet of Arcturus send you our fondest regards. We are watching, we are HERE, we always have been. Many months ago during your linear timeline of October 2008, we along with our brothers and sisters from other star clusters…
The Way of the Warrior
"The Way of the Warrior" Greetings, to each of you, kindred Spirits and fellow Earthlings. I see that a great many of you are working on the problems at hand, while even more are still stumbling about as if they had not a clue that the times you are living in, unaware that the times…
Glimpses at the Present
"Glimpses at the Present" There was a time, oh – not so long ago, when change happened at the pace of a snail’s crawl. And no – I am not speaking here of technological change. What I am referring to here is the change that only organized chaos can bring about. Disorganized chaos is what…