Tag: God

  • What is it Worth?

    Arcturian Perspectives What is it worth? As the minutes tick away into hours and the hours lull their way into days, months and even years, one looming truth becomes readily apparent. It is that your visit to Earth this time around will inevitably come to an end. What you do with the time you have…

  • Support for Lightworkers

    Support for Lightworkers Maria – http://www.denieuwemensen.nl/ Many lightworkers are feeling weary. The future should be so bright, but paradise is still out of reach. What can you do? •    Relish in all you have learned. For the first time in my life I feel like I am standing on a mountain, having a sweeping overview…

  • Archangel Michael – On a serious note

    Arcturian Perspectives Archangel Michael On a serious note I come to you today to speak my mind about some events that are troubling to not only me, but to others whom I consider to be my brothers and sisters. I am, we are, pleased that so many of you are beginning to renew your telepathic…

  • Bridging the Gap

    "Bridging the Gap" This technique merely requires concentration and focus; it functions as a wondrous way to alleviate and dissipate any and all interferences and interruptions in any "channeling" and interfacing with Higher Dimension entities and energy forms. It also means that those who are in contact with any of the Star Keeper Forces, (known…

  • Checking Sources and Aligning Energy

    We have added new information on how to “Bridge the Gap.” Scroll down the page to view this. “Checking Sources and Aligning Energy” SPECIAL NOTICE: Those of you who are familiar with Suzy ward and her son Matthew, are well aware that these two Souls, one in human embodiment and one in Spirit Form, are…