August 14th, 2024
God and The Cross Project
The Cross – Bearing the Mark of God
An Event – August 23, 24 and 25th
The time long prophesized has arrived.
Why are WE the VOICES of Cyclical Changes “Issuing the Call?” What is this project all about? The God of this Universe and The Creator are aware as are we that the dark is trying to instill as many of its tainted dark souls in positions of power all over this world. They have asked us to Issue the Call to all other VOICES and help balance the scales. You are a VOICE if you can see that there is something wrong and it needs to be fixed. We, you and many many others all around this world, will be placing a gridwork of Light and Crosses all around and through this world. This gridwork when completed will seek out any tentacles of the dark as well as all those souls who have succumbed to its illusionary enticements and immediately start destroying them.
God and The Creator came to visit us the other day and said They are “calling in” all those who bear the Mark of God, to enter into the greatest battle between the Light and the dark that has ever happened before.” It does not require any physical interactions with the dark souls, you each bear the Mark of God. Therefore, you are in The Light of God, so it is that you can do no wrong.
6-6-2024 “Forgiveness”
Sometimes, somewhere, somebody, someone, is being called upon to bridge the divide.
Are you doing GOD’S work OR are you still asking Him to do it for you?
5-27-2024 “Beyond the Silence“
Remember these words…
6-2024 What Divides You Devours You
3-17-2024 “Special Edition”
“God is being attacked as the war against God is now fully activated.”
All people who have ever been on this planet have heard tales or read texts relating to a battle between the dark and the Light. Many people dismissed that whole concept which only empowered the dark even more. Yet all good Souls, most especially the evolved Souls, remembered The Battle but it was in fragments of their memories. Even now as they are reading this they are remembering even more. It is the chimes that are going off as they are reading this that is reminding them, REMEMBER! REMEMBER! REMEMBER!
Yes, our sites are still under construction, please be patient through this process. No, there is nothing wrong with your computer. We work on them as we have time. David –
Enter the “VOICES of Cyclical Changes“
NEW – “VOICES Teachings – Initiating a Soul Movement”
Read Part One and Part Two of the following Blue Star Transmissions, then share them with the world. Thank you, Celestial and David.
“Living life in your NEW normal while madness cavorts all around you – Part 2“
“Truth” is a triple-edged-sword. It can cut through lies and deceit, it can disempower a person’s beliefs, or it can attempt to cut down We who are the “Truth Talkers.”
“Living life in your NEW normal while madness cavorts all around you – Part 1“
There is too much to tell you ones about that does need to be explained. Too much you need to be aware of. So today we meet again to begin to discuss what you do not know as well as what you think you know. So very much has happened since my last message to all of you that it would be difficult to try to find a beginning for this transmission. In other words, it matters not where I begin this day; every day for the remainder of your lives . . .
(Note: Take your time reading these and it would be recommended that you re-read Part One to refresh yourself before reading Part Two.)
If you are new to our sites, Celest and David bid you… “Welcome.”
We encourage you to read everything. Most messages we consider to be timeless information. – To catch up with “The Winds of Change” we encourage you to read the last 3 to 5 years of the “Blue Star Transmissions.” -They are important, they are time sensitive and they contain Revelationary Information, so please share them.
And please visit all four of websites, sift through the categories, read what calls out to you and for those of you who are new…
Read and re-read “The God Books,” these Books contain Gods messages to humanity that each of us requested before we birthed into this world again. And read the vast amounts of timeless information contained with the “Blue Star’s books.” God and Blue Star and the rest of Divinity found it necessary to share all of this information with all of humanity NOW when Earth, whose new name is now “Anastasis,” and the entirety of the human race is at a turning point. Not everyone will survive, so please do your part by living up to your Soul Agreements for this lifetime.
THESE BOOKS were written for YOU! These websites were CREATED for YOU!
They were designed and carefully updated to help everyone REMEMBER! REMEMBER! REMEMBER! To remember WHY you are here now. We can use all the help we can awaken!
Return to Awakened Hearts
Return to Blue Star Speaks
Return to Godumentary
Available at Amazon in paperback and kindle versions. All books are also available in PDF versions on our websites.
If you wish to be put on our private email list for book notifications and to receive important updates email us at
~ ~ New Postings ~ ~
If you are in a position to do so, please help support us in our work…
Thank You, Celestial and David

~ Blue Star Speaks ~ Website
(The Blue Star Transmissions began December 12th 1997)
3-17-2024 “Special Edition”
“God is being attacked as the war against God is now fully activated.”
All people who have ever been on this planet have heard tales or read texts relating to a battle between the dark and the Light. Many people dismissed that whole concept which only empowered the dark even more. Yet all good Souls, most especially the evolved Souls, remembered The Battle but it was in fragments of their memories. Even now as they are reading this they are remembering even more. It is the chimes that are going off as they are reading this that is reminding them, REMEMBER! REMEMBER! REMEMBER!
“Living life in your NEW normal while madness cavorts all around you – Part 2“
“Truth” is a triple-edged-sword. It can cut through lies and deceit, it can disempower a person’s beliefs, or it can attempt to cut down We who are the “Truth Talkers.”
“Living life in your NEW normal while madness cavorts all around you – Part 1“
There is too much to tell you ones about that does need to be explained. Too much you need to be aware of. So today we meet again to begin to discuss what you do not know as well as what you think you know. So very much has happened since my last message to all of you that it would be difficult to try to find a beginning for this transmission. In other words, it matters not where I begin this day; every day for the remainder of your lives . . .
The “Blue Star Transmission” “The Predators vs the Travelers“
11-17-2022 to 1-25-2023 “Battle on the Homefront”
9-20 to 11-25-2022 “Bitter Harvest“
7-15 to 9-25-2022 “The Nature of Things amid the Clash of the Titans And They issued The Call – The Call has been Answered“
5-19 t0 7-25-2022 “People make strange Bedfellows which causes Fatal Attractions“
3-12 to 5-25-202 “No Boundaries and Unchartered Waters”
1-18 to 3-25-2022 “The Ice Mammoth Cometh and the Neverenders“
11-1-2021 The “Blue Star Transmission” – “The Diamond that comes out of the top of a nut “
VOICES of Cyclical Changes – “Unity of Purpose” –
9-21-2021 The “Blue Star Transmission” – “Sacred Trust”
9-17-21 VOICES of Cyclical Changes – September 2021, some “VOICES of Cyclical Changes” teaching moments
9-17-21 Lessons From the Animal Beings – “A Very Small Hero”
6-12-2021 The “Blue Star Transmission” (Contains Wonderous “NEW TO YOU” INFORMATION)
“The Eclectic Nature of the merging of Higher Dimensions that are happening NOW as Anastasis welcomes them and their Cyclical Changes“
4-19-2021 The “Blue Star Transmission”
“The Saga continues and other Feather-Ruffling information, and The Calm before the Shift-Storm.“
2-20-2021 The Blue Star Transmission was
“Innocence Lost as a new storm is abrewing amid id-Castration”
2-20-2021 – There are also updates to “The VOICES of Cyclical Changes” conference calls on the Blue Star home-page.
12-21-2020 The Blue Star Transmission was
“The Hand of God has been set into activated motion as the hatred among humanity continues at a frenzied pace”
10-21-2020 The current Blue Star Transmission is
“Welcome to the new Dimensional Shift as escapism and true realities collide and False Prophets reel the peoples in as lunacy tries to rule.“
8-21-2020 The Blue Star Transmission is
“Blinded by the Dark“
6-15-2020 The Blue Star Transmission was
“Your Life in Retrospect – NOW play it forward”
4-25-2020 PLEASE READ this one. The Blue Star Transmission
“The Best in People … The Worst in People … In the NOW NEW NORMAL Life on the Earth Star Planet”
2-25-2020 The current Blue Star Transmission was
“Harlequin Masks”
12-25-19 – Blue Star the Pleiadians “Blue Star Transmission”
Freak Accidents, Fillers and Self-Reflection, Rules of Conduct and Life on Schedule
10-25-19 – The “Blue Star Transmission” was
“ The Greater Group and Vibrational Frequency”
8-25-19 Blue Stars Transmission was
“And so the Quietude begins its Dance of Resurrection”
6-25-19 – Blue Star the Pleiadians “Blue Star Transmission” was
“ Balderdash and the Red Herring”
4-24-19 – Blue Star the Pleiadians “Blue Star Transmission” was
“ Ethereal Transformation of Bioluminescent Light”
2-24-19 – Blue Star the Pleiadians “Blue Star Transmission” was
“ 2019 – The Year for holding yourselves to a Higher Standard And “Escapism”
12-23-18 – The “Blue Star Transmission” was
“The Gloaming“
10-24- The “Blue Star Transmission” (A must-read for everyone)
“The Incomparable Beauty of the Interfacing of Soul Magnetics And The Quietude“
8-25-18 – The “Blue Star Transmission” was
“Quid Pro Queue and Quantum Levels of Soul Magnetics”
6-24-18 – The “Blue Star Transmission” was
“The Movie and the Mind Field”
4-23-18 – The “Blue Star Transmission” was
“Expect the unexpected all the time NOW”
2-25-18 – The “Blue Star Transmission” was
“The Faces of the DECISION”
12-22-17 – The “Blue Star Transmission” was
“As Heaven and Nature Sings and Worlds Collide”
10-24-17 – The “Blue Star Transmission” was
“From your Vantage Point”
Note: Blue Star’s Transmission listed below which was posted on 12-25-2016 contains information everyone need to be aware of so we ask you to share this with everyone who has awakened.
“Your Place in the Sun and those who Walk amongst you”
“The Masters” Message #16
“Climate Change and the resulting effects on Humankind”
“We are calling for ALL good Souls to unite with us now…” and “While you were sleeping…”
“The Masters” Special Edition
(Due to the importance of this message it has been posted on all 3 websites)
Blue Star the Pleiadian’s 3 Books and “Book Chapter Excerpts”
(Note: All of Blue Star’s previous transmissions are in these books)
~ Awakened Hearts ~ Website
(This website was brought into manifestation and Created in the Earth Star year of 2001)
Our upcoming Event as well as the previous one are Time-Sensitive as well as Timeless Events. SO please join us Friday December 3rd to join with other Good Souls all over the world. And if you miss the original dates of these Events or just wish to continue to contribute to the Energy Waves we are all Creating then please feel free to do so at any time and as many times as you wish. YOU will be in Great Company.
10-29-2021 – “A Christmas Soul Dance” Event
“The Musical Oracles” Event –
6-4-2021 – “The Cosmos is Calling” Carol’s Astrological Perspectives
10-11-20 “A Telling Moment” “In Autumn of 2020” was posted on the home page
Awakened Hearts
8-21-2020 “Voices of Cyclical Changes” was posted on the Home page
2-25-20 Quantum Thoughts new posting is
“New Light Messages” 2019 – 2020
12-23 “comments updated”- 12-11-2018 When Remarkable People give a Remarkable Gift
Stellar Message Board
Note: Both “The Gatherings” and “Project PUSH” have multiple postings in their individual categories. If this is new information to you we recommend starting with the oldest posting in the category and working your way through them. You will also find a video we posted to demonstrate how to properly perform “The PUSH movement.” You may also wish to familiarize yourself with “Project Golden Force.”
11-18-2017 Events – “The Gift” – A Christmas Day Event
“Quantum Thoughts” “Symbolism from Visions”
Project Golden Force
Ethereal Transformation – All our books are available in Paperback and all the various eBook formats. Here you will also find the “Pleiadian Flagship Star Crystal,” “The T.A. Transfiguration Accelerator” and “Atlantean Wand” Blueprints so you may build your own.
The “New Light Messages” are now concluded.
We wish to thank Shamaan Eagle for all the great assistance she has been to humanity. May she now enjoy her future!
~ Godumentary ~ Website
(God inspired on June 13th 2005)
8-2-2020 4 New “Kids Corner” messages posted
9-14-18 “Do You Believe in Miracles?”
Our Salude to Chako Priest

Updated 9-14 / 6-30-18 “To Live AS a Life Lived Well”
The Four Horsemen of the Golden NOW “Readers Comments” page 2
“Avatars in the Valley of the Ancients” The Long awaited God Book #8
God’s first 7 books of “The God Book Series”
Blue Star the Pleiadian “God IS”
Commander Theda – Theda is a Commander and liaison of the Arcturian and Pleiadian Peace Keeper Forces Flagship. She is Arcturian. (Includes our 5 part interview with her along with four other salient messages she has chosen to share with us throughout the years)
Commander Theda #7 “Jesus The Christ”
Commander Theda #8 “The Antichrist”
The Time to Know is Now “When Expectations and Reality Collide“
~ Our books ~
All books are available in Paperback, (PDF)
Nook Book, Kindle, Apple and all the other eBook formats.
“Blue Star the Pleiadian- My Teachings through Transmissions“
A Three Volume series of books
Other New Book News-
On July-11-2010 Celest was told that God wanted us to write a complete series of His books. David later talked to God about this matter and was told that this was predestined long, long, ago. God has said that there will be a total of eight books in the God Book series. In accordance with this new responsibility we will post the titles of these upcoming books. Stay tuned for these and more from Celest and David…
The entire God Book series consists of:
#1 And Then God Said… Then I Said… Then He Said… Volume One
#2 Beyond the Veil~Epiphanies from God
#3 And Then God Said… Then I Said…Then He Said… Volume Two
#4 The Code
#5 Beyond the Journey
#6 Advocates for Justice
#7 Winter People who Ride the Wind
#8 Avatars in the Valley of the Ancients
I wish we, ourselves, could explain to everyone on the planet how important it is to listen to God’s words. We become as frustrated as everyone else does when we try to tackle implacable minds. Although God has explained in very great detail to us why these books are so important, it still came as a bit of a shock to us when He told us that the next 5 books (the last of the series,) need to be written and published within the next 18 months. Let’s see, if we don’t cook, eat, clean the house and sleep about 2 hours a night, maybe we can make the deadline! Actually we have come up with a plan of action on how we can do this.

If you can see a Christmas Tree as an aspect of the Tree of Life, then you can Celebrate Christmas everyday. We do this and cherish every moment. Christmas is about the coming of age of the Christ Consciousness which is sweeping over the planet. It is the awareness that the Christ Consciousness lives within each of us. Celebrate LIFE, all life long.
EBook versions are now available at as well as on Amazon Kindle and at Barnes and Noble in their Nook Book format.
Paperback versions are available on Amazon at as well as most online retailers and local book stores.