God and The Cross Project – Bearing the Mark of God

God and The Cross Project

Aug. 23, 24, 25th, 2024

Today’s date is August 8th, 2024

Why are WE the VOICES of Cyclical Changes “Issuing the Call?” What is this project all about? The God of this Universe and The Creator are aware as are we that the dark is trying to instill as many of its tainted dark souls in positions of power all over this world.  They have asked us to Issue the Call to all other VOICES and help balance the scales. You are a VOICE if you can see that there is something wrong and it needs to be fixed. We will be placing a gridwork of Light and Crosses all around and through this world. This gridwork when completed will seek out any tentacles of the dark as well as all those souls who have succumbed to its illusionary enticements and immediately start destroying them.

God and The Cross Project

The Cross – Bearing the Mark of God

After we are done explaining this to everyone you will be able to understand the how why when and where of this crucial project.

NOTE: If you know how to perform a PUSH Movement, use it. If you do not know how to PUSH, learn. Go to Awakenedhearts.com

First of all, the event will begin on Friday the 23rd of August at 6PM in your time zone.  And then carry on in earnest for the rest of the 23rd, 24th, and the 25th. And then you are asked to continue infusing this Grid with The Light of ALL Lights each and every time the thought of God and “The Eternal Love of God” comes into your mind. Make no mistakes about, this is a battle between the dark and the Light for the Souls. The first three days of the battle will be the harshest. From then on whenever “the cross” jumps into your mind or “the upcoming battle” comes into your mind IT IS TIME for you to reinforce everything you have done. Do not become lax or complacent.

DIRECTIONS – Here is what you have to do. We are effectively Creating a Gridwork of Light Energy that surrounds this entire planet and also goes through the planet. This gridwork will consist of many many crosses. Begin by saying the “Jesus The Christ Consciousness” mantra.

(“I here and now command in the name of Jesus The Christ that if there is any entity that is not of the most evolved form of the Jesus The Christ consciousness, that is not of the most evolved form of God I Am, then you are to here and now disappear and cease to exist. This I command in the name of Jesus The Christ.)

From the moment you wake and have replenished yourself we ask you to begin visualizing God, The Mark of God, The Cross, (which IS God) and begin using your Power of Mind and begin Creating The Crosses and enacting the construction of the grid.

Then envision pouring brilliant White Light into, over and through this grid we are Creating. You do this simply by using the Power of Your Mind. You can say to yourself, “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” Then we ask that you visualize the crosses that you will be contributing to this project and then begin placing them on each of the intersecting lines effectively connecting cross to cross to cross. (see diagram) The crosses know you have damned the torpedoes and are moving full speed ahead. This will take as long as you feel you need to until you are satisfied with what you have begun.

Visualize creating a sacred crystalline grid of equilateral triangles (see below) completely enveloping the Earth with square white crosses (see above) everywhere the lines intersect. The matrix should be three dimensional as it needs to not only envelop the Earth, but also infused within her.  Fill the grid and the crosses with God’s blazing white light and love.  Then see this grid dissolving all darkness on the planet.

REMEMBER to also drink plenty of water and to place a pinch of sea-salt under your tongue.             

Part of this project is to be targeting certain people or areas that are obviously tainted or controlled by the dark. If you know who your target, who your chosen target is, and state their name as clearly as possible to your Soul, Soul will hear you. Pick your target. Soul will immediately seek out your chosen target and either repel dispel or destroy the darkness. When possible, it will destroy the darkness that is controlling the target.

So, choose the name, if you have one, the name of who poses the greatest danger not only to God but also to each Good Soul on Anastasis.

For example, do you believe that Kamala Harris poses the greatest physical and Spiritual danger to God and to all those who bear the Mark of God? If so, state this. If you believe it to be someone else, state that. Remember, You are playing the game of the beast but you are playing the game against the beast but you are playing it better.

IF you do not have a “certain name or person in mind” then we ask you all to Pour your Light into the entire Matrix and the Grid. You can do this by simple visualization.

Now this grid, it is flexible, it is not stationary. It is always in motion. The crosses in the grid will know what to do, it will seek out and repel dark energies. You are the catalyst of making this a success.

Now, Spiritual energy grids or planetary grids are etheric crystalline structures of electromagnetic fields, templates, or matrixes covering the Earth and hold consciousness for a species. It does coordinate between the microcosmic and macrocosmic world. It is part of the matrix of sacred geometry. Remember, this world, Earth, Anastasis as she is now to be known, requested and was granted to be given all the upgrades to the more advanced forms of sacred geometry. It is an energy field. The grid is instrumental in holding together all life.

Also, this grid will be Created with the cross, many crosses. The Cross may be of any color, not just a White Cross. Some will envision white, black, orange, yellow or an enticing glistering clear or crystalline rainbow-colored echoing a prismatic array of light emanating from the cross while others may see blue, gold, or even a blue-gold. The choice is whatever they believe it to be.    

All the crosses that will be placed within this Spirited energy grid acknowledges that he or she who is wearing the cross is bearing the Mark of God, that they are of the Light not of the dark.

The Grid sustains the life force, the life force of all life on this world.

Do not be judgmental. No hate, anger or animosity. You are doing the right thing for the right reason. God has asked for your help. Will you answer or will you shrug it off? Your response or lack of will be noted in your Book of Life. Before you answer, consider that God has given humanity one more chance.  


The cross is actually a Soul Finder.

It’s a compass the binds Souls to Souls.

Power in numbers is the sequential force with this Soul Cluster Finder.

It affects the dark because it is Light.

The compass strengthens each Soul. It is also a direction finder, North, South, East, West.

The dark does not tolerate the Light from this Cross. All they know is they do not like it and it makes them feel specifically uncomfortable.

So, this is also where when and how you can BEST the Beast. In other words, play the beasts game but play it better.

The Grid is constantly being ‘tweaked’ as part of moment-to-moment upgrades. In other words, it selfheal’s, it constantly monitors the overall moment to moment status of each individual Soul and reinforces the Matrix of The Cross and in this manner reinforces the strength and staunchness of your Soul. But you are the catalyst’s, bearing the Mark of God, and yet destroying evil with the very presence of your Awakened Souls. You all practiced for this long long long long ago as we did ourselves. This is one way, a great way, for saying “Damn the torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead!” 

Yes, the evil ones will know who bears the Cross of God.

Again, if you do not have a “certain name or person in mind” then we ask you all to Pour your Light into the entire Matrix and the Grid. Again, you can do this by simple visualization. (See Diagram)

The grid is actually composed of a series of multidimensional interlocking squares, angles, and other forms of advanced geometric symbols. It is interlocking the microscopic world with the macroscopic world.

That is why when you think of The Grid you should easily be able to see that they are all composed of interconnecting crosses.

Please note; The Mark of God can not be confused with the mark of the devil. One is pure White Light; one is perpetual darkness. Yes, you each have the Mark of God. Many times it can be in the form of a birthmark that never goes away. So, you may search your body for the rest of our mortality and never see where it is. But the dark ones carry the perpetual darkness deep inside them. Deep inside their eyes, deep inside their souls.  Often times they each speak of a high form of democracy; it is a facade they hide behind. They speak of being the leader of who they are. It is all a sham. For example, they speak of a high form of democracy, but they are making a joke of it. There is no democracy in evil.

Kamala Harris for instance, in reality is an insipid non-intelligent entity sent here to pull really good people down and destroy them whenever she feels it is necessary. So, you see there is a reason besides the perpetual dark and its insatiable craving for blood-lust. The reason is hiding behind democracy in order to cause the human races to capitulate. It is challenging the people of this world’s ability to seek out and destroy the darkest of the dark. If that happens then all of this will have been for naught. Politics and religion have led humanity into a Time-Sensitive period now of pushing them into the very brink of madness and physical death. None of us were sent here to destroy others in any type of helter-skelter fashion. The dark has cast everything it truly is into this upcoming political election as well as elections taking place in other countries. The Cross you wear will provide you with eternal protection while each of us is doing the work of God.       

 God and The Creator came to visit us the other day and said They are “calling in all those who bear the Mark of God, to enter into the greatest battle between the Light and the dark that has ever happened before.” It does not require any physical interactions with the dark souls, you each bear the Mark of God. Therefore, you are in The Light of God, so it is that you can do no wrong.

The time long prophesized has arrived. We are asking each of you Good Souls to wear a simple cross, not a crucifix, one that clearly indicates that you bear the Mark of God and do His work. If you do not have a simple cross, nothing ornate, just a simple cross, then find one and buy one. White, silver, gold, anything like that. And wear it at all times. This cross is symbolic of who and what you are. Your wearing of the cross is the catalyst that activates the matrix of the cross.

We are all on the precipice of “Gathering ALL our Light Force” and “hurling The God Light” with all your might, with all you know, with all you believe, into the darkest recesses of Anastasis. This will not be more difficult for any of you to do unless you are allowing your uncertainty of your ability to perform and manifest this tremendous Life Force. Should you have qualms about your ability then take some time and meditate, if that is what is required by you to see that yes, you are here to do this as you promised long long ago and nothing and no-thing can stop you, can stop us NOW.

And no, none of you will be alone. Other VOICES from all over Anastasis (Earth,) who have been waiting for the call to arms, will be receiving their instructions on the “how to” manual via all of Divinities’ means and will be joining you even if you never meet them in this lifetime. They too will be receiving their instructions and you will all decide for yourself who possesses the greatest danger to God, to The Creator and all Human Life in general.

Those will be the people we, that the grid, will saturate with “The Cross Light.” Do not be concerned about people who have no internet access, all that has been KNOWN about. And God and The Creator are attending to those people so that none of you will be left behind. No Good Soul will be left behind.

Salude, Celest, David, Lyre/Lynne, John and all the other VOICES

VOICES of Cyclical Changes / bluestarspeaks.com


Please share this information with others by all means available to you, email, social media, by word of mouth and so forth. Thank You.


Truth is a Bombshell and is an elixir for Life


Knock it off already!

I ask you all to remember that evil’s lair is built on shaky ground; it is built on the complacency of the human Spirit and humankind’s willingness to forgo the “tiresome” search for truth and instead accept at face-value illusions disguised as truth.

For “truth” was Created long, long ago as a weapon of choice to defeat all lesser energetic matter and was birthed within the matrix of each Soul who has ever been. This Collective matter of honor, sensibility, openness and revelations of all realities given the name “truth” was an amalgamation Created in the Crystal City.

Remember, people who can only see one side of issues, who can only abide their own truth particularly when it clashes with true reality are heading into shark infested waters. But, that is their choice; do not allow it to become yours! The bombshell nature of truth obviously does not exist on other planets. BUT there is the one planet which was specifically designed to be a type of “parallel Earth” where the bombshell will take up permanent residence when all truth is known of and accepted by humanity here. This planet of which I speak is the only planet where millions of badly tainted peoples who are here now will go to after . . .



The Realm of God is within us

The Realm of God watches over us

The Realm of God protects us

Wherever we are The Realm of God is



The Song of God

“There is a Song on the Wind,

Can you hear it?

The Song is My Son/Sun,

The Song is My Wind,

The Song is MY TRUTH,

What you hear is MY SONG,

My Song IS the everlasting

Love of God”


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